PMP Training Course Training 課程
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PMP Training Course Training 課程
PMP Training Course Training 課程 PMP Training Course Training 課程 PMP Training Course Training 課程 PMP Training Course Training 課程 PMP Training Course Training 課程 PMP Training Course Training 課程 PMP Training Course Training 課程 PMP Training Course Training 課程 PMP Training Course Training 課程 PMP Training Course Training 課程 PMP Training Course Training 課程 PMP Training Course Training 課程  
PMP Training Course Training 課程 PMP Training Course Training 課程


課堂錄影隨時睇 10 大優點之免費試讀:無條件免費試讀,讓您毋須擔心錄影課程及導師質素,信心保證!

PMP® (Project Management Professional®) 國際認可證書課程
(7th Edition)
課程簡稱:PMP Training Course
祝賀眾多學員成功考取 PMP,並多謝各界的口碑及推介!

  • 課程時間
  • 課程簡介
  • 課程特點
  • 考試須知
  • 課程內容
  • 學員感言
  • 成功學員

即減 $690!

傳統服務:課程上堂時間表 (地點:旺角   總費用:$4,980)
學員使用 WhatsApp、電話或本網頁報名,待本中心確認已為學員留位後,即可使用 轉數快 繳付學費,過程簡便!
編號 日期 (dd/mm) 星期 時間 費用 導師  
PM0631C1 第 1 部份課程:  11/06 - 30/06
11/6, 16/6, 18/6, 23/6, 25/6, 30/6
一、三 7:00pm - 10:00pm $2,490 Franco 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
PM0631C2 第 2 部份課程:  02/07 - 21/07
2/7, 7/7, 9/7, 14/7, 16/7, 21/7
一、三 7:00pm - 10:00pm $2,490 Franco 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
* 各政府部門可使用 P Card 付款  
如使用 P Card 繳付考試費,考試費需另加 2.5% 行政費  

*** 質素保證: 免費於任何地點試睇首 3 小時課堂錄影,從而可預先了解導師及教材的質素,才報讀課程來上堂。***
請致電與本中心職員預約。 查看各地點電話
旺角 2332-6544
觀塘 3563-8425
北角 3580-1893
沙田 2151-9360
屯門 3523-1560

免費補堂: 學員可於任何地點補看課堂錄影,從而可銜接往後的課堂!
免費重讀: 學員可於課程結束後三個月內於任何地點不限次數地重看課堂錄影,從而可反覆重溫整個課程!
課時: 36 小時
課堂導師: Franco (任教課程清單)

推介服務:課堂錄影隨時睇 (在家觀看 = 0%,在校觀看 = 100%)
學員使用 WhatsApp、電話或本網頁報名,待本中心確認已為學員留位後,即可使用 轉數快 繳付學費,過程簡便!
編號 地點 可預約星期及時間 學費低至 9 折  
PM2503AV 不限
$4,980 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
PM2503MV 旺角 一至五:14:30 - 22:15   六:13:45 - 21:30   日:10:15 - 18:00 (公眾假期休息) 95 折後只需 $4,731 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
PM2503OV 觀塘 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期三及公眾假期休息) 9 折後只需 $4,482 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
PM2503PV 北角 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期三及公眾假期休息) 9 折後只需 $4,482 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
PM2503SV 沙田 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期三及公眾假期休息) 9 折後只需 $4,482 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
PM2503YV 屯門 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期一、三及公眾假期休息) 9 折後只需 $4,482 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
* 各政府部門可使用 P Card 付款  
如使用 P Card 繳付考試費,考試費需另加 2.5% 行政費  
在校免費試睇: 首 3 小時,請致電與本中心職員預約。 查看各地點電話
旺角 2332-6544
觀塘 3563-8425
北角 3580-1893
沙田 2151-9360
屯門 3523-1560
在校免費重睇: 學員可於享用時期內於報讀地點不限次數地重看課堂錄影,從而可反覆重溫整個課程!
導師解答: 學員可於觀看某一課堂錄影後提出課堂直接相關的問題,課程導師會樂意為學員以單對單的形式解答!
課時: 36 小時
享用時期: 12 星期。進度由您控制,可快可慢。
課堂錄影導師: Nethril (任教課程清單)
在校觀看: 詳情及示範片段

推介服務:課堂錄影隨時睇 (在家觀看 = 50%,在校觀看 = 50%)
學員使用 WhatsApp、電話或本網頁報名,待本中心確認已為學員留位後,即可使用 轉數快 繳付學費,過程簡便!
編號 地點 星期及時間 費用  
  在家 享用時期內每星期 7 天 (包括公眾假期),每天 24 小時全天候不限次數地觀看。    
PM2503MH 旺角 一至五:14:30 - 22:15   六:13:45 - 21:30   日:10:15 - 18:00 (公眾假期休息) $4,980 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
PM2503OH 觀塘 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期三及公眾假期休息) $4,980 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
PM2503PH 北角 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期三及公眾假期休息) $4,980 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
PM2503SH 沙田 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期三及公眾假期休息) $4,980 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
PM2503YH 屯門 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期一、三及公眾假期休息) $4,980 按此報名:PMP<sup>®</sup> Training Course Training 課程
* 各政府部門可使用 P Card 付款  
如使用 P Card 繳付考試費,考試費需另加 2.5% 行政費  
在校免費試睇: 首 3 小時,請致電與本中心職員預約。 查看各地點電話
旺角 2332-6544
觀塘 3563-8425
北角 3580-1893
沙田 2151-9360
屯門 3523-1560
在校免費重睇: 學員可於享用時期內於報讀地點不限次數地重看在校觀看的課堂錄影,從而可反覆重溫!
導師解答: 學員可於觀看某一課堂錄影後提出課堂直接相關的問題,課程導師會樂意為學員以單對單的形式解答!
課時: 36 小時
在家及在校觀看: 在家觀看首 18 小時,在校觀看尾 18 小時。
在家觀看時禁用程式: 一些危害課堂錄影版權的程式。
享用時期: 12 星期。進度由您控制,可快可慢。
課堂錄影導師: Nethril (任教課程清單)
在家觀看: 服務條款及守則、報讀程序及示範片段

地區 地址 電話 教育局註冊編號
旺角 九龍旺角亞皆老街 109 號,皆旺商業大廈 18 樓 1802 - 1807 室 2332-6544 533459
觀塘 九龍觀塘成業街 7 號寧晉中心 12 樓 G2 室 3563-8425 588571
北角 香港北角馬寶道 41-47 號華寶商業大廈 3 樓 01-02 號舖 3580-1893 591262
沙田 新界沙田石門安群街 3 號京瑞廣場 1 期 10 樓 M 室 2151-9360 604488
屯門 新界屯門屯喜路 2 號屯門柏麗廣場 17 樓 1708 室 3523-1560 592552
注意! 客戶必須查問報讀學校的教育局註冊編號,以確認該校為註冊學校,以免蒙受不必要的損失!

Please note that Training School-directed live class videos (課堂錄影) learning satisfies the PMP® education requirements.
However, self-directed learning (e.g. watching Youtube videos) does not satisfy the PMP education requirements.

透過本中心的高水平導師及教材,已有大量的學員成功取得 PMP® 認證!

全港獨家:除傳統上課模式外,本中心還附有視像 (video) 服務給學員享用,令課程彈性更高!

近來,項目管理 (Project Management) 職業越來越有前途,PMP® (Project Management Professional) 認證越來越受到人們的關注,每年全球都有大量從事項目管理的人員參加 PMP® 資格認證,而目前全球 PMP® 的人數已達 100 萬人。

隨著項目管理在全球的推廣,現代社會對項目管理人員質素要求的提升,項目管理協會 PMI® (Project Management Institute) 的 PMP® 認證正成為衡量項目管理人員水平的標準。

PMI® (Project Management Institute),即項目管理協會,成立於 1969 年。它是一個有著 47 萬多名會員的國際性協會,是項目管理專業領域中最大的由研究人員、學者、顧問和經理組成的全球性的非牟利專業組織。

現在,PMI® 制定出的項目管理方法已經得到全球公認,PMI® 也成為全球項目管理的權威機構,同時 PMI® 致力於向全球推行項目管理,以提高項目管理專業的水準,在教育、會議、標準、出版和認證等方面制定專業技術計劃。

PMI® 已成為一個全球性的項目管理知識與智囊中心。

PMP® (Project Management Professional) 項目管理專業人員認證考試是 PMI® 組織對於項目管理人員的專業認證,它已經成為項目管理領域的權威認證。

參加 PMP® 認證能令你有系統地學習項目管理的知識體系,最終能大幅提升你的項目管理能力。

而準備 PMP® 認證往往須要多看 A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)。PMBOK® Guide 是 PMI® 的聖經,它的內容非常精練,對於通過考試非常重要。

但由於 PMBOK® Guide 不少內容沒有明確的解釋,故本中心的資深講師會引用其豐富的項目管理經驗及其所處理過的實際案例來加以解釋,並會提供筆記作詳細補充,務求令你透徹掌握所須知識。

而本中心的 PMP® (Project Management Professional®) 國際認可證書課程有 36 小時,已滿足了報考 PMP® 考試所需的 "35 hours of project management education/training",令學員可順利報考及通過 PMP® 考試。

課程名稱: PMP® (Project Management Professional®) 國際認可證書課程
- 簡稱:PMP® Training Course
課程時數: 共 36 小時課堂 (共 12 堂)
適合人士: 現職項目管理的人士
授課語言: 以廣東話為主,輔以英語
課程筆記: 由資深講師 Nethril Lam 及 Franco Tsang 親自編寫英文筆記

1. 資深講師親自教授: 課程導師經 PMI® 嚴格審查及核准,不但具有豐富教學經驗,並已教出大量的學員成功考取 PMP® 認證!
2. 提供模擬考試題目: 本中心為學員提供模擬考試題目,並會於課堂內分享作答題目的心得。
3. 理論與實習並重: 導師會引用其豐富的項目管理經驗及其所處理過的實際案例來進行教學,務求令你透徹掌握所須知識。
4. 免費重讀: 傳統課堂學員可於課程結束後三個月內免費重看課堂錄影。

報考 PMP® 考試的前設要求:
- 若擁有學位資格者,便須有 36 個月的項目管理經驗及參與 35 小時的項目管理課程。
- 若沒有學位資格者,便須有 60 個月的項目管理經驗及參與 35 小時的項目管理課程。

註: 完成本中心 PMP® 課程會免費獲發修讀證書,以證明你已參與了 36 小時的項目管理課程。

你可於網上報考,然後於香港試場應考,而考試費為 US$655。

考試時須於 230 分鐘內作答 180 條多項選擇題,合格的要求約須有 60% - 80% 的作答正確,而最終會以 Psychometric 方式來進行評分,簡單來說即俗稱拉curve。

Basically, psychometric tests are tools for measuring the mind ('metric' = measure; 'psycho' = mind). One type of psychometric tests is aptitude test (能力傾向測驗) which tests your critical reasoning skills under strictly timed conditions. Your score on the test is compared to a 'norm group' which is usually made up of current holders who have done this test in the past. Standard can be set in terms of how well you have to do in comparison with the 'norm group' in order to 'pass'.

課程名稱:PMP® (Project Management Professional®) 國際認可證書課程
- 簡稱:PMP® Training Course

The Standard for Project Management

  • The standards are the set of recognized values, terminology, which is used in the project management.

Project Organization and Life Cycle

  • Differences between pure project, functional or traditional organization.
  • What a project life cycle is and what will be the deliverable.

Project Management Process (A process that takes inputs, processes them, and produces outputs.)

  • Detail and unique characteristic of the initiation process, the planning process, the execution process and the closeout process.

Project Integration Management (As project is divided into various processes, it must be viewed and planned in a whole to be success.)

  • How to develop project charter, project scope statement and project management plan.
  • Tutor will share the experience of how to direct and manage the project execution and integrate change control.

Project Scope Management (Most of the project failure is caused by undefined scope.)

  • Understand the basic concept of scope planning, scope definition, scope verification and scope control.
  • Creation of WBS for handling a project scope easily.

Project Schedule Management (Every project has its time frame, which is critical distinguish between project success and failure.)

  • How to define activities, sequence activities and duration estimation.
  • Tutor will share his working experience on how realistic schedule can be verified and control to prevent project slippage.

Project Cost Management (Every company needs to earn money to survive. Project slippage or fail to estimate the cost will cause disaster to the company.)

  • How cost is estimated and control.
  • Budget plan

Project Quality Management (A project cannot be completed if it cannot pass the UAT)

  • Tight quality control to get pass the UAT (User Acceptance Test).
  • How to develop a quality plan.
  • How to manage quality and perform quality control on the project.

Project Resource Management (Manage the suitable resources with correct skill set is the only way to success in a project.)

  • How to manage both team resources and physical resources.
  • Tutor will share his experience on how to do resource planning, acquire resources and manage the project team.

Project Communications Management (To success in a project, a clear communication and reporting channel must be set up.)

  • How to create a communication plan, having information distribute and how performance can be report to appropriate people

Project Risk Management (Everything can be planned, but unexpected will always arise during a project.)

  • A risk management plan
  • Properly identify and analyze the risk
  • As project manager of many public projects, tutor has extensive experience to share on how to response to various risks, bring them under control.

Project Procurement Management (As project goes complicated and there is time that a company cannot handle it on its own.)

  • Procurement of material and service.
  • Plan purchases and acquisitions, drafting contract and select best seller and administrate the service provider.

Project Stakeholder Management (As many stakeholder involved in the project, how to handle them?)

  • Classification of different stakeholders and distinguish their differences
  • Select the best method to actively manage the stakeholder engagement

Project Management Principles

  • A set of statements that guide the actions and behaviors of project management practitioners

The course content above may change at any time without notice in order to better reflect the content of the examination.


很多修畢本課程並成功考取 PMP 證書的學員,都給予導師極高的評價。本中心經常收到學員的致謝 Email,現在列出如下,以回應學員們的感激。
【鑒於寄來的 Email 太多,故只列出小部份】

Email Subject: Re: Feedback abt Systematic
Partial Email Content:

I have seen my report. The whole pie chart is in green so I bet I nearly got full marks. But there is no breakdown I can check what I might miss.

Thanks a lot.
ps: attached my cert and I don't mind if you post it if needed.

Best Regards,
Johnny Chow

Email Subject: Re: PMP Project Summary
Partial Email Content:

I am pleased to let you know that I passed PMP exam and received the certificate in October last month.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for enthusiastic teaching and sharing in class.


Email Subject: Re: Feedback abt Systematic
Partial Email Content:

Thank you for your support, I passed the exam already.

B. Wong

Email Subject: Re: <seek for your help> PMP study course revision solutions
Partial Email Content:

Just to let you know that I have taken the PMP online exam today and have passed with the "Above Target" result. Haha. Basically I have just used your lecture notes + sample questions.

By the way, I have found a free website which seems quite useful and handy to check out the key terms. You may consider sharing it with other students.

Alan Cheung

Email Subject: Re: PMP Mock Exam Answer Explanation
Partial Email Content:

Thanks for your explanation. I just passed my examination, many thanks for your teaching!


Email Subject: Your student passed PMP exam
Partial Email Content:

I am your student and just passed the PMP exam.

I got 3 Above Target and 2 Target. Attachment is the report. thanks.

I really like your presentation and looking forward to attend your other classes soon.


Email Subject: Thank you
Partial Email Content:

Here is Alex, your student in Systemic from mid-June to end-July, regrading the PMP course.

Sincerely thank you for all your help. Your lesson and teaching is undoubtedly much more fruitful then I expected. Good notes, good examples, good exercise and so, saved me a huge loads of time for exam preparation.

I’m pleased to share with you that I just passed my PMP exam, it’s my honor to be your student.

Yea, I’m never a good student, but still, it’s my honor to be your student.

Yours truly,
Alex Poon

Email Subject: Re: Notification of Application Audit Outcome - PMI ID XXXXXXX
Partial Email Content:

Would like to share with you that I have passed the exam and got the PMP cert. Thanks again for your helps.

In the future, may I ask your advice about the PDU?

Thanks and Best regards,

Email Subject: Passed PMP Exam!! Thank you for your guidance~
Partial Email Content:

I had passed the PMP exam. I learned the key concept of PMP in your lesson. Thank you for your guidance!

PS: As I had been selected for the audit before the Exam, I cannot schedule the Exam early.

Best regards,
Li Pak Ting

Email Subject: Re: Feedback abt Systematic
Partial Email Content:

Time passed by and I've passed PMP last year, thanks!

And now I'm attending your iphone course on SAT, and I will change to work as PM soon, do u free to have a quick dinner during the break? (5:30-6:30), also have some project practical knowledge want to consult with you, thanks.

Best Regards,

Email Subject: Re: Feedback abt Systematic
Partial Email Content:

Took PMP exam two days ago and passed. Thanks for your teaching.

Best regards,

Email Subject: PMP Passed!
Partial Email Content:

Just to let you know that after I had completed your PMP course on 19 Nov (PM1060EM), I took the exam yesterday and have passed it in the first attempt (w/ 1P 4MP).

The course notes and the suggested references were very useful. And the tips of requesting the secondary exam language (Traditional Chinese version available) also helped understand some exam questions.

Thank you very much for the great training to help me pass the exam.

Best regards,
Joseph Lim, PMP

Email Subject: Thank you email
Partial Email Content:

I am one of your students in Systematic course which completed in April, due to busy work afterwards and remember require to attend exam suddenly at end of Aug. After completed application procedure and a month preparation, I had attend the Exam yesterday and luckily got pass.

I would like to say "Thank you very much" for your coaching and experience sharing.

By the way, for my comment, the exam is extremely difficult than expected.

Let me thanks one more time.

Victor Pun

Email Subject: PMI membership renew
Partial Email Content:

I was one of your student in Systematic PMP course. Thank you very much for your teaching and help. My PMP was passed last year.


Systematic Feedback System:
Partial Feedback Content:

I'm the PMP class student in Systematic in Jul/Aug. Just to let you that I've attended and passed the PMP examination today! Thanks.

Besides, please also pass on my thank you message to the class teacher.


Email Subject: Thank you
Partial Email Content:

Thanks very much for your teaching. I am one of the students of the PMP course which had been completed in last week. Your PMP course has inspired me a lot and pointed out my weaknesses in the aspect of project management. Again, thanks a lot.

Thanks very much!

Email Subject: PMP
Partial Email Content:

i wish you are good. i have attended your PMP training class which was very useful. Thanks for your teaching and it was great.
Great bless to your family! I still remember the pre-wedding photo you shown in the class which was great!

Warm Regards

Email Subject: PMP examination
Partial Email Content:

Feeling so happy to share I have just passed the PMP exam this morning. Thanks very much for your help and guidance!

Best Regards

Email Subject: 我是上一期Systematic PMP 學生
Partial Email Content:

我是上一期PMP Systematic 旺角星期一, 三的學生. 謝謝你的盡心教導和經驗分享, 非常實用!

Best Regards

Email Subject: Thank you!
Partial Email Content:

I joined PMP class in summer this year (Sat class). He gave out vivid and real life examples from his working experience. I took one month for revision and finally passed the PMP exam in Oct.

I would like to thanks the tutor again and wish all PMP students all the best.

John Yu

Email Subject: PMP student
Partial Email Content:

Thanks for your teaching and I did learn a lot from your course whilst I passed PMP base on studying your notes provided. Just wonder when will you teach Prince2 again?

Simon Ho

Email Subject: Pass the PMP exam. Thank you!
Partial Email Content:

Just want to let you know that I passed the PMP exam yesterday. Thanks again for your intelligent and vivid teaching!

One point I want to share with your upcoming classes is: when filling out the application form for the exam, our surname should be inputted into the 'last name' space. We don't need to fill out the 'middle name' space and just put the rest part of our name into the 'first name' space. The staff at the exam centre reminded me of this and asked me to inform the PMI directly after the exam. Otherwise, the formal certificate will bear the wrong representation of our names. I saw he told the same to one of my ex-classmates.

Wish you every success in your teaching & consulting business!


Email Subject: Thank You letter of PMP Course ~!
Partial Email Content:

I am Vincent Ip, the student of Apr. class of PMP course of systematics. The staff of the systematics is helpful, nice and reliable.
Can I give a great appreciation of all staffs of systematics...
This is an adventure process of exploring this field of knowledge. You all are reliable companion of the trip within this few months.

Vincent Ip

Email Subject: Re: Fwd: Your application has been selected for PMIs audit process
Partial Email Content:

Just to let you know that I passed the PMP audit process as well as the exam. I just received the certificate and pin a few days ago. Thanks for your support.



以下是成功取得 PMP® 認證的本中心部份學員名單:

Aromin Marcus T Au Chun Wai Au Ho Lun
Au Pak Kei Au Yeung Kwok Ying Chak Chong Pan
Chan Che Chun Chan Chick Wan Chan Chiu Ming
Chan Chui Fung Chan Chung Hang Chan Chung To
Chan Fook Cheung, Elvis Chan Hiu Kwan Chan Hiu Yeung
Chan Ho Hang Chan Ho Sing Ernest Chan Ho Tak
Chan Jasen Allen K. Chan Ka Ho Chan Ka Wai
Chan Ka Wing Chan Kai Ip Chan Kam Wah
Chan Kar Ho Chan Ki Lok Chan Kin Fong
Chan King Hang Chan Kwan Yee Chan Kwok Ngai
Chan Kwok Shing Chan Kwong Leong Chan Ling Man
Chan Nai Bun Chan Nga Yan, Maggie Chan Oi Sze
Chan On Yee Chan Pak Kei Chan Pui Ki
Chan See Chun Chan See Lock Chan Shuk Yan
Chan Suet Yi Chan Tak Man Chan Tak Sang
Chan Tsz Kit Chan Wai Fan Chan Wai Ming
Chan Wai Tik Chan Wai Yip Chan Wing Tong
Chan Wut Piu Chan Ying Choi, Gary Chan Ying Young
Chang Yu Lam Chau Pui Fan Cheang Chi Ho, Chris
Chen Chi Cheng Kwok Hing Cheng Lai Yue, Eric
Cheng Sze Kit Cheu Yuk Yi Cheung Chi Fung
Cheung Chi Wai Cheung Fu Wing Cheung Ka Man
Cheung Ka Shing Cheung Kin Wa Cheung Leung Tak
Cheung Man Kit, Laurence Cheung Sheung Yung Cheung Tsan Wai
Cheung Tsz Yeung Cheung Wing Chi Cheung Yat Man
Cheung Yin Kei, Raymond Ching Cheung Wai Chiu Chun Cheung
Cho Wai Tong Choi Chiu Wai Choi Wai
Choi Yan Yan Chong Chun Leung Chong Kam Wing
Chong Kin Wing Chong Tsz Ning Chong Yee Leung
Chow Ho King Chow Hoi Wai Chow Kai Yin
Chow Kit Lun Chow Tak Shing Chow Wai Ming
Choy Hou Shing, Ashley Choy Kam Ady Choy Kong Hung
Chu Keung, Charles Chu Kwong Wai Chuang On Tin
Chui Chi Wai, Lawrence Chui Wing Chung Chung Chi Ho
Chung Chi Lun Clayton Chung Hau Kuen Chung Ho Ki
Chung Mei Yee Chung Sai Kuen, Ken Chung Yui Man
Fan Sheung Man Fan Yu Cheong, Perry Fan Yue Wai
Feng Haobin Fok Chi Wai Fong Heung Wing
Fong Kam Shan Fu Shu Wing Fu Wai Chi, Joseph
Fung Chi Yuen Fung Ka Cheong Billy Fung Ka Lok
Fung Ka Tsai Fung Man Sing Fung Wing Tat, Justin
Futanakulthorn Nattakamol Gay Man Wai Ho Cheuk Lung
Ho Chin Hung Ho Chiu Yin Ho Chun Man, Simon
Ho Pak Hei Ho Shui Sang, Raymond Ho Siu Fung, Vince
Ho Siu Kuen Ho Sui Tim Ho Wing Hong
Ho Wing Kei Ho Yiu Tim Hon Ka Lai
Hon Yu Hor Wai Hung William Hou Yung
Huang Yong Huen Ka Chai Hui Siu Cheung
Hui Wai Kit Hui Wai Kit, Charlie Hung Ching Kong
Hung Ngar Chun Hung Sze Ming Hung Wing Kit
Hung Yun Wah Ip Man Hon Kam Shu Kai
Kam Wai Lan Keung Siu Ming Ko Kenneth
Ko Pik Cheung Kong Man To, Andrew Koo Chi Wai
Kot Hung Hing Kwan Ka Wai Kwan Man Wai, Celia
Kwok Ka Wing, Jack Kwok Yee Ngar, Eva Kwok Yu Kit
Kwok Yuk Sum Kwong Chi Chung Kwong Kar Fai, Kent
Lai Ching Wai Lai Ling Chi Lai Nga Yan
Lai Wai Kuen Lai Wai Lam Lai Wing Hong
Lai Yuen Kam Lam Cheuk Lun Chad Lam Chun Shing
Lam Chun Yu Lam Chung Yan Lam Kwong Lok
Lam Pak Kei Lam Siu Wai Lam Sui Wa
Lam Tat Shing Lam Wai Hung Lam Yat Chiu
Lam Yuk Yi Lau Chak Kuen Lau Chi Fai
Lau Chi Wai Lau Chun Chung Lau Ho Wah Nelson
Lau Hoi Yuen Lau Jonathan Lau Ka Yan
Lau Kai Yung Lau Kwok Hong Lau Man Lung, Kevin
Lau Moon Yuen, Stanley Lau Shuk Kwan Lau Sing Man
Lau Siu Ming Lau Siu Wo, Marco Lau Sze Ho, Cecil
Lau Wai Po Lau Yat Shan Lau Yeuk Chung
Lau Yin Mei Law Kam Kong Law Tsz Yeung
Law Wing Kit Lee Cheuk Chi Ben Lee Chi Hung
Lee Chi Man Lee Hin Keung Lee Hing Kuen
Lee Jenn Chang Jenson Lee Ka Ki Lee Kin Chung
Lee Kin Keung Lee Kwok Hung Lee Lung Chun
Lee Ming Ho, Eric Lee Pak Kin, David Lee Shiu Kin
Lee Tak Wing Lee Tsz Yan Lee Yat Ming Ken
Lee Yuk Kit Leong Yue Bong Leung Che Shing
Leung Chi Tak Leung Ching Chi Leung Ho Yin
Leung Hung Yan Leung Ka Ming Leung Ka Wai
Leung Kai Pak Leung Lap Sing Leung Man Fai
Leung Man Hon, Samuel Leung Patrick Cheong Yu Leung Sau Shun, Sunny
Leung Tat Sin Leung Tsz Kin Leung Wan Tim, Timothy
Leung Wing Lap Leung Wing Yip Leung Yan Ng
Leung Yuen Fai Li Chi Kit Li Chung Yuen
Li Ho Sang Kenneth Li Hok Pan Li Ka Wun
Li Kwai Yi Li Tsan Man Li Yui Tung
Li Zhiwen Liang Zhiqin Lin Yun
Liu Hong Keung Liu Kwok Tung Liu Lung Yue
Liu Ming Lam Liu Wai Lun, William Liu Wai Tung
Liu Ye Lo Ali Lo Cheong Shing, Anthony
Lo Chun Chung Lo Chun Ho Lo Chun Kong
Lo Chung Yin, Gary Lo Ho Yi Lo Ioi Ian
Lo Kit Ying Lo Nga Lun Lo Tat Yin
Lo Wai Kei Lo Wan Ching, Charlotte Lo Yau Kuen
Lui Wai Ying Luk Hei Yeung Luk Siu Kei, Patrick
Luk Wing Yee, Polly Ma Man Kin Mak Tsz Yeung
Man Yiu Ming Mok Chi Chiu Mok Lin Leung
Mok Ming Chun Mok Siu Kin Mok Wan Leung
Mok Yat Lam Ng Chi Fai Ng Cho Kit
Ng Ho Fun Ng Ho Ting Ng Hon Wai
Ng Jason Gahan Laguisan Nga Hon Ng Ka Hon Ng Ka Hung
Ng Ka Lai, Ada Ng Ka Lun, Ivan Ng Ka Wai, Janet
Ng Ka Yee Ng Wai Fan Ng Yan Wing
Ng Yu Tang Ngai Chun Yin Ngai Shing Li
Ngai Tsang Wing Pak Sai Wai Pang Wai Hon
Pang Wai Man Pi Sing Fuk Poon Chun Man Christopher
Poon Ho Shing Poon Ka Wan Poon Ming Fai
Poon Ying Wah, Michael Pun Yung Victor See Kwok Leung
Shek Hon Yiu Shiu Hin Wang Shum Wing Kit
Shum Ying Hei Siu Leung Ngai, Arran Siu Man Kit
Siu Wan Chung Siu Yau Lung Siu Yin Keung
So Kam Fung So Sai Shing So Stewart
Sun Tin Yan Sze Ming Ming Sze Nga Kam
Sze Tsz Wah, Marco Sze Wing Chun, Jinco Tai Ka Tat
Tai Ngai Kwan Tam Fai Tam Hon Wah
Tam Ka Fai Tam Man Hong Tam Siu Kin
Tam Wai Pak Tam Wilson Chung Kwan Tam Yee Kam
Tang Hau Chuen Tang Kei Shing Tang Wai Pang
Tang Wai Yuen Tang Wing Hong Tang Yat Ming
To Hei Wai Tong Chin Chiu Tong Ho Wing
Tong Kai Tak Tong Pak Kin, Simon Tsang Chi Hang, Peter
Tsang Chiu Sum Tsang Kai Ho Tsang Kar Hoo, Calvin
Tsang Mei Po, Mable Tsang Siu Chi Tsang Siu Man
Tsang Tak Chung Tse Jun Yu Tse Kin Chung
Tse Kin Wai Tse So Ying, Flora Tse Wing Cheong
Tse Yan Kei Tsoi E Ching Tsui Fung
Tsui Hon Kei Tsui Wai Kin Wah Hiu Ting
Wan Kam Yuen Wan Shuk Yi Wan Siu Chung
Wang Chen Chien Wong Chi Hang Wong Chi Ho
Wong Chi Kit Wong Chi Kwan Wong Ching Yuen
Wong Chong Wing Wong Chun Man, James Wong Chun Ngai
Wong Chung Shun Wong Hoi Yi Wong Hon Bun
Wong Ka Lam Wong Kam Piu Wong Kin Ming
Wong Kin Wah Wong Kit Man Wong Kwok Chu
Wong Kwok Wing Wong Kwok Yip Wong Lai Tung
Wong Man Kin Wong Man Kit Wong Ming Fo
Wong Ming Tak Wong Ngai Fung Michael Wong Pui Yee
Wong Shuk Ling Wong Sing Cheung Wong Siu Mei
Wong Siu Wai Wong Tsun Ho, Ian Wong Wai Ki
Wong Wai Kit Wong Wai On, Lucas Wong Wai To Oscar
Wong Wang Kam Wong Wing Hong Wong Wing Kei
Wong Wing Tak, Steven Wong Yau Kwan Fong Wong Yiu Ming
Wong Yuk Yee Wu Chi Chung Wu Man Ki
Wu Wing Sze, Cecilia Wu Yi Fan Yam Yee Man
Yang Siu Wing Yau Nga Chi Yau Tat Yan
Ye Donghui Yeung Chi Hang Yeung Chin Pang, Patrick
Yeung Kin Man Frederick Yeung Man Kit, Cody Yeung Wai Kai, William
Yeung Yiu Bun Yip Chi Ho Yip Ho Lap
Yip Kin Pan Yip Sai Chung Yip Wai Lap
Yip Wai Sin Yiu Ching Chak Yiu Chong Hing
Yiu Man Sum, Sam Yiu Siu Chau Yiu Yu Leung
Yu Hin Fu Yu Ka Kay Yu Kwok Ho
Yu Man King Yu Siu Leung Yu Wai Sze
Yue Wing Cheong Yuen Hung Fai Yuen Kit Shun, Jackson
Zeng Zhenwei Zhang Liling Zhang Shi Ju



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are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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