Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程
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Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程
Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程 Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程 Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程 Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程 Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程 Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程 Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程 Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程 Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程 Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程 Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程 Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程  
Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程 Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程


課堂錄影隨時睇 10 大優點之地點方便:本中心位於旺角、觀塘、北角、沙田及 屯門,就近港鐵站!

Google Ads Display 國際認可證書課程
課程簡稱:Google Ads Display Training Course

  • 課程時間
  • 課程簡介
  • 課程特點
  • 認證要求
  • 考試須知
  • 課程內容

即減 $220!

推介服務:課堂錄影隨時睇 (在家觀看 = 0%,在校觀看 = 100%)
學員使用 WhatsApp、電話或本網頁報名,待本中心確認已為學員留位後,即可使用 轉數快 繳付學費,過程簡便!
編號 地點 可預約星期及時間 學費低至 9 折  
GR2503AV 不限
$2,480 按此報名:Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程
GR2503MV 旺角 一至五:14:30 - 22:15   六:13:45 - 21:30   日:10:15 - 18:00 (公眾假期休息) 95 折後只需 $2,356 按此報名:Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程
GR2503OV 觀塘 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期三及公眾假期休息) 9 折後只需 $2,232 按此報名:Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程
GR2503PV 北角 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期三及公眾假期休息) 9 折後只需 $2,232 按此報名:Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程
GR2503SV 沙田 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期三及公眾假期休息) 9 折後只需 $2,232 按此報名:Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程
GR2503YV 屯門 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期一、三及公眾假期休息) 9 折後只需 $2,232 按此報名:Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程
* 各政府部門可使用 P Card 付款  
如使用 P Card 繳付考試費,考試費需另加 2.5% 行政費  
在校免費試睇: 首 1 小時,請致電與本中心職員預約。 查看各地點電話
旺角 2332-6544
觀塘 3563-8425
北角 3580-1893
沙田 2151-9360
屯門 3523-1560
在校免費重睇: 學員可於享用時期內於報讀地點不限次數地重看課堂錄影,從而可反覆重溫整個課程!
導師解答: 學員可於觀看某一課堂錄影後提出課堂直接相關的問題,課程導師會樂意為學員以單對單的形式解答!
課時: 18 小時
享用時期: 6 星期。進度由您控制,可快可慢。
課堂錄影導師: Larry (任教課程清單)
在校觀看: 詳情及示範片段

推介服務:課堂錄影隨時睇 (在家觀看 = 100%,在校觀看 = 0%)
學員使用 WhatsApp、電話或本網頁報名,待本中心確認已為學員留位後,即可使用 轉數快 繳付學費,過程簡便!
編號 地點 星期及時間 費用  
GR2503HH 在家 享用時期內每星期 7 天 (包括公眾假期),每天 24 小時全天候不限次數地觀看。 $2,480 按此報名:Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程
GR2503IH 海外在家 享用時期內每星期 7 天 (包括公眾假期),每天 24 小時全天候不限次數地觀看。 $2,976 按此報名:Google Ads Display  Training Course Training 課程
* 各政府部門可使用 P Card 付款  
如使用 P Card 繳付考試費,考試費需另加 2.5% 行政費  
在校免費試睇: 首 1 小時,請致電與本中心職員預約。 查看各地點電話
旺角 2332-6544
觀塘 3563-8425
北角 3580-1893
沙田 2151-9360
屯門 3523-1560
導師解答: 學員可於觀看某一課堂錄影後提出課堂直接相關的問題,課程導師會樂意為學員以單對單的形式解答!
課時: 18 小時
在家觀看時禁用程式: 一些危害課堂錄影版權的程式。
享用時期: 6 星期。進度由您控制,可快可慢。
課堂錄影導師: Larry (任教課程清單)
在家觀看: 服務條款及守則、報讀程序及示範片段

地區 地址 電話 教育局註冊編號
旺角 九龍旺角亞皆老街 109 號,皆旺商業大廈 18 樓 1802 - 1807 室 2332-6544 533459
觀塘 九龍觀塘成業街 7 號寧晉中心 12 樓 G2 室 3563-8425 588571
北角 香港北角馬寶道 41-47 號華寶商業大廈 3 樓 01-02 號舖 3580-1893 591262
沙田 新界沙田石門安群街 3 號京瑞廣場 1 期 10 樓 M 室 2151-9360 604488
屯門 新界屯門屯喜路 2 號屯門柏麗廣場 17 樓 1708 室 3523-1560 592552
注意! 客戶必須查問報讀學校的教育局註冊編號,以確認該校為註冊學校,以免蒙受不必要的損失!

Google Adwords lets you Reach Customers around the world!
With text-based search ads, graphic display ads, YouTube video ads or in-app mobile ads, you have plenty of ways to reach potential customers with Google Adwords.

Google Ads display ads appear on over two million websites and in over 650,000 apps, so your ad can show up wherever your audience is.

Google Adwords lets you Stay local!
Reach out to potential customers within a few kilometers of your business, or broadcast your ads to entire regions or countries. With Google Adwords, it’s up to you.

Google Adwords lets you Appear Online via Several Formats of Ads at your preference!
You can make profit Online or Offline! Increase Sales and Impressions, Branding and launch Sales Campaigns at your fingertips!

Google Adwords lets you monitor how your Ads performs!
With Google Ads you will see how many people are shown your ads, visit your website, or call your business. You can even target specific types of people if your business is specialized.

Google Adwords lets you Stay In Control of your Budget, and increase Return-On-Investment (ROI)!
Adjust your budget whenever you want. Plus, with no contract, you can end your campaign anytime without cancellation fees.

You can use your individual Google Account for Advertising over the Internet with over 2 Million Web Sites in Google Display Network.

No Partnership or Agreement with any third-parties is required!

After finishing our Google Ads Display Certification course, you will be able to create, maintain, monitor and tune your Online Advertisements by Adwords, Solely by yourself!

Moreover, you will be answered about the following daily questions about Google Adwords:

1) Why my Ads are not showing in Google Search sites?
2) Why my Ads are not displayed?
3) How to review my Ads Quality Score?
4) What to do when I need further help?
5) As Google refused my credit cards, are there any other viable payment methods?
6) What’s the difference in advertising via Google Search Network and Google Display Network?
7) Why my Quality Score decreases?
8) How much time is required for an Ad to be approved by Google?
9) How to appeal when my Ad is rejected by Google?
10) What’s Google’s Adwords Editorial, Technical and Professional Requirements to keep my Ads running?
11) Do I need to own or refactor a business web site for advertising via Adwords?
12) How do I track the efficiency and benefits of Adwords to my business?

After finishing our Google Ads Display Certification course, you will be able to take two exams and earn the following Google Ads Display Certification:

Google Ads Display Certification sample

課程名稱: Google Ads Display 國際認可證書課程
- 簡稱:Google Ads Display Training Course
課程時數: 合共 18 小時
適合人士: 適合任何人士
授課語言: 以廣東話為主,輔以英語
課程筆記: 本中心導師親自編寫英文為主筆記,而部份英文字附有中文對照。
免費重讀: 傳統課堂學員可於課程結束後三個月內免費重看課堂錄影。

1. 模擬考試題目: 本中心為學員提供模擬考試題目,每條考試題目均附有標準答案。
2. 時數適中:

本中心的 Google Ads Display 國際認可證書課程時數適中,有 18小時。

令學員能真正了解及掌握課程內容,而又能於 1 個月內考獲以下 1 張國際認可證書:

  • Google Ads Display Certification
3. 導師親自編寫筆記: 由本中心已擁有5項Google 國際認證 (包括 Google Ads Display Certification, Google Ads Mobile Certification, Google Ads Search Certification, Google Digital Sales Certification, Google Analytics Individual Qualification),並有教授課程 25年以上經驗的資深導師 Larry Chan 親自編寫筆記,絕對適合考試及實際管理之用,令你無須「死鋤」如字典般厚及不適合香港讀書格調的書本。
4. 免費重讀: 傳統課堂學員可於課程結束後三個月內免費重看課堂錄影。

Google 已公佈考生只要通過以下 1 個 Google Adwords 相關科目的考試,便可獲發 Google Ads Display Certification 國際認可證書:

  • Google Ads Display

報考時登入 Google Academy for Ads 網站,然後選擇您要報考的科目,考試便會即時開始。

考試題目由 Google Academy for Ads 網站傳送到你家中應考的電腦來作答。


考試完成時會以電郵通知你的考試成績,若為合格,你便可於 Google Academy for Ads 網站下載您的證書。

若考試不合格便可 1 日後重新報考,不限次數。欲知道作答時間、題目總數、合格分數等詳細考試資料,可瀏覽本中心網頁 "各科考試分數資料"。

課程名稱:Google Ads Display 國際認可證書課程
- 簡稱:Google Ads Display Training Course

1. Learn the basics of Google Ads
1.1 Ads or “Organic” Search Results
1.2 Benefits of Advertising via Google Ads
1.3 Grow your business with Google Ads

2. Choose where customers see your ads
2.1 Ad Formats basics
2.2 Ad formats on the Google Network

3. Create effective text ads
3.1 Quality of Text Ads
3.2 Five Tips on Writing Effective Text Ads
3.3 Text Ads Best Practices
3.4 Five tips to improve landing page experience
3.5 Getting start with Adwords
3.6 AdWords Account Access Levels
3.7 Creating your first Ad Campaign
3.8 More about AdWords policies
3.9 Editorial Policies which may affect your Ads approval

4. Enhance your ads with extensions
4.1 Introduction to Ad Extensions
4.2 A Case Study of using Ad Extensions
4.3 More information about Automated Extensions
4.4 Adding Manual Extensions

5. Choose the best campaign types
5.1 Google Ads Campaign Types
5.2 Assessment to your understandings
5.3 Campaign Goals
5.4 Campaign Settings
5.5 Campaign Status

6. Organize your account for success
6.1 How Google Ads account is organized
6.2 How should you organize your Google Ads Account
6.3 Setting up a Google Ads Manager Account

7. Reach customers with targeting
7.1 Introduction to targeting
7.2 Finding Potential customers online
7.3 Target your Ads with Google Ads
7.4 Using Demographic Targeting
7.5 Using Audience Targeting
7.6 Using Placement Targeting
7.7 Using Location Targeting
7.8 Comparing location targeting types
7.9 About Device Targeting

8. Help customers find you
8.1 Introduction to Keywords
8.2 Seven tips for building your keyword list
8.3 Writing effective keywords: Putting a plan in motion
8.4 Using the Keyword Planner

9. Control which searches trigger your ads
9.1 Introduction to Match Types
9.2 Five Match Types available in Google Ads

10. Make your ads seen
10.1 Competition
10.2 Five Contributing Factors to Ad Rank
10.3 Google Ads Auction
10.4 Influence Factors
10.5 Quality Score
10.6 Ad Rank

11. Match media cost models with your budget
11.1 Introduction to Cost Models
11.2 Calculating Media Costs

12. Determine a good bidding strategy
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Bidding Basics
12.3 Two ways to manage your bids
12.4 Use your goals to determine a bidding strategy
12.5 Choose a bid amount that works for you
12.6 Three tools to determine your CPC bids
12.7 Bidding for ROI

13. Select your bid strategy
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Choosing your automated bidding strategy
13.3 Automated Bidding in Real World
13.4 Best practices when using automated bidding

14. Adjust bids to favor performers
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Bid adjustments in Real World scenario
14.3 Available Types of Bid Adjustments
14.4 Using bid adjustments to reach your goals

15. Align your budget with your goals
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Setting your daily budget
15.3 Four tips to help determine your daily budget
15.4 Budget strategy

16. Evaluate campaign performance
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Understanding Google Ads and statistics
16.3 Reports for each purposes
16.4 Drive performance with metrics
16.5 Return on investment (ROI)

17. Avoid editorial errors
17.1 Introduction to Editorial Errors
17.2 Top Reasons for Disapproval
17.3 Spotting Errors

18. Trademark disapprovals
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Reacting to Trademark Disapproval
18.3 Reseller and informational site policy

19. Drive results with the Display Network
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Reasons for using Google Display Network
19.3 Matching your campaign to your goals

20. Optimize your Display campaign
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Separating Search and Display campaigns for Greater Control
20.3 Display Network Optimization Plan
20.4 Tips to maintain your Display Campaign performance
20.5 When No one is clicking
20.6 High bounce rate
20.7 Link an Analytics account with Google Ads
20.8 About Auto-Tagging

21. Tailor ads with Dynamic Remarketing
21.1 Introduction to Dynamic Remarketing
21.2 Approximate Procedures for implementing Remarketing
21.3 Best Practice for Dynamic Remarketing

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