Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程
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Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程
Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程 Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程 Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程 Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程 Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程 Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程 Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程 Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程 Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程 Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程 Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程 Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程  
Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程 Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程


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Microsoft 365 Certified Teams Administrator Associate (1 科 Messaging & Collaboration) 國際認可證書課程
課程簡稱:Teams Administrator Training Course

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  • 課程簡介
  • 課程特點
  • 認證要求
  • 考試須知
  • 課程內容

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$4,480 按此報名:Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程
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UL2503OV 觀塘 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期三及公眾假期休息) 9 折後只需 $4,032 按此報名:Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程
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UL2503YV 屯門 一至五:14:15 - 22:00   六及日:12:15 - 20:00   (星期一、三及公眾假期休息) 9 折後只需 $4,032 按此報名:Teams Administrator Training Course Training 課程
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課時: 30 小時
享用時期: 10 星期。進度由您控制,可快可慢。
課堂錄影導師: Larry (任教課程清單)
在校觀看: 詳情及示範片段

推介服務:課堂錄影隨時睇 (在家觀看 = 100%,在校觀看 = 0%)
學員使用 WhatsApp、電話或本網頁報名,待本中心確認已為學員留位後,即可使用 轉數快 繳付學費,過程簡便!
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課時: 30 小時
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享用時期: 10 星期。進度由您控制,可快可慢。
課堂錄影導師: Larry (任教課程清單)
在家觀看: 服務條款及守則、報讀程序及示範片段

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觀塘 九龍觀塘成業街 7 號寧晉中心 12 樓 G2 室 3563-8425 588571
北角 香港北角馬寶道 41-47 號華寶商業大廈 3 樓 01-02 號舖 3580-1893 591262
沙田 新界沙田石門安群街 3 號京瑞廣場 1 期 10 樓 M 室 2151-9360 604488
屯門 新界屯門屯喜路 2 號屯門柏麗廣場 17 樓 1708 室 3523-1560 592552
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本中心是 Microsoft 認可的合作夥伴 (Microsoft Certified Partner)。

As a Microsoft 365 Teams Administrator Associate, in this position, you play a critical role in configuring, maintaining, and optimizing internal and external collaboration within Teams and Microsoft 365.

This course focuses on empowering you with the skills needed to handle various aspects of Teams administration, including managing teams, channels, chat, apps, calling, meetings, and events.

Key areas covered include the operational aspects of Teams clients and devices, configuration of Teams Phone services, and collaboration with stakeholders responsible for networking, identity, licensing, information management, and user adoption.

Key Responsibilities Covered

  • Configuration and management of Teams, channels, chat, apps, calling, meetings, and events.
  • Oversight of phone numbers and services for Teams Phone.
  • Management of operational aspects related to Teams clients and devices.
  • Collaboration with teams responsible for networking, identity, licensing, information management, and user adoption.
  • Implementation of advanced Teams Phone and Teams Rooms scenarios in collaboration with system engineers.
  • Planning and implementation of governance, security, and compliance measures for Teams.

Course Benefits

By completing this certification, you will gain a deep understanding of Microsoft Teams administration, making you a valuable asset in any organization leveraging Microsoft collaboration solutions.

The skills acquired will enable you to enhance collaboration, communication, and productivity within the Teams environment.

This certification is a testament to your expertise in Microsoft Team services and your ability to implement and manage advanced Teams configuration scenarios.

Join us on this learning journey to become a Microsoft 365 Certified Teams Administrator Associate and elevate your career in the world of modern workplace collaboration!

Microsoft 365 Certified Teams Administrator Associate

About the course

Our training course will guide you through carefully selected exam topics, along with real-life examples, practical demonstration and business cases of implementing, verifying and maintaining various Microsoft Team’s features.

Evaluations, Pros and Cons and may be comparisons of different Microsoft 365 messaging and collaboration products would be verbally provided throughout the training course.

As Microsoft has been partnering with multiple 3rd party vendor Teams-related ecosystems, it is inevitable that a small portion of the course time would be spent on briefly discussing popular partner security solutions.

Our senior instructor Mr. Larry Chan would give you advise, tricks and tips on various Teams-related products.

課程名稱: Microsoft 365 Certified Teams Administrator Associate (1 科 Messaging & Collaboration) 國際認可證書課程
- 簡稱:Teams Administrator Training Course
課程時數: 30 小時 (共 10 堂,共 1 科)
適合人士: 有志考取 Microsoft 365 Certified Teams Administrator Associate 證書人士; 或
有 Microsoft 365 商務雲端基本認識人士; 或
有少量 Microsoft 365 使用經驗人士; 或
已修畢 Microsoft Certified 365 Fundamentals 課程 人士
授課語言: 以廣東話為主,輔以英語
課程筆記: 本中心導師親自編寫英文為主筆記,而部份英文字附有中文對照。

1. 模擬考試題目: 本中心為學員提供模擬考試題目,每條考試題目均附有標準答案。
2. 時數適中: 本中心的 Microsoft 365 Certified Teams Administrator Associate (1 科 Messaging & Collaboration) 國際認可證書課程時數適中,有 30 小時。

令學員能真正了解及掌握課程內容,而又能於 3 個月內考獲以下 1 張國際認可證書:

  • Microsoft 365 Certified Teams Administrator Associate
3. 導師親自編寫筆記: 由本中心已擁有五項 MCITP , 十多項 MCTS,MCSA 及 MCSE 資格,並有教授 Microsoft 相關課程 25 年以上經驗的資深導師 Larry Chan 親自編寫筆記,絕對適合考試及實際管理之用,令你無須「死鋤」如字典般厚及不適合香港讀書格調的書本。
4. 一人一機上課: 本課程以一人一機模式上課。
5. 免費重讀: 傳統課堂學員可於課程結束後三個月內免費重看課堂錄影。

Microsoft 已公佈考生只要通過以下1個 Microsoft Teams相關科目的考試,便可獲發 Microsoft 365 Certified Teams Administrator Associate國際認可證書:

考試編號 科目名稱
MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams

本中心為Microsoft指定的考試試場。報考時請致電本中心,登記欲報考之科目考試編號、考試日期及時間 (最快可即日報考)。臨考試前要出示身份證及繳付每科HK$943之考試費。


考試合格後會收到來自Microsoft的作實電郵,並進入該電郵內的連結,登入 Microsoft Credentials Dashboard 下載您的證書。

考試不合格便可重新報考,不限次數。欲知道作答時間、題目總數、合格分數等詳細考試資料,可瀏覽本中心網頁 "各科考試分數資料"。

課程名稱:Microsoft 365 Certified Teams Administrator Associate (1 科 Messaging & Collaboration) 國際認可證書課程
- 簡稱:Teams Administrator Training Course

MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams (30 hrs)

1. Exploring Microsoft Teams
1.1 Capabilities in Microsoft Teams
1.1.1 Chat
1.1.2 Collaboration
1.1.3 Apps and workflows
1.1.4 Meetings
1.1.5 Calls
1.1.6 Security and compliance
1.2 Microsoft Teams integration with Microsoft 365
1.2.1 Microsoft Viva
1.2.2 Outlook
1.2.3 SharePoint
1.2.4 Microsoft Lists
1.2.5 Planner and Tasks
1.2.6 Forms
1.2.7 Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
1.2.8 OneNote
1.3 Microsoft Teams integration with Microsoft Power Platform
1.3.1 Power Apps in Teams
1.3.2 Power Automate in Teams
1.3.3 Power Virtual Agents in Teams
1.3.4 Power BI in Teams
1.3.5 Microsoft Dataverse for Teams
1.4 Microsoft Teams architecture
1.4.1 Dependencies of Microsoft Teams
1.4.2 Governance, security, and compliance for Teams
1.4.3 Limits of Microsoft Teams
1.5 Microsoft Teams with Microsoft 365 Groups
1.5.1 Shared resources for Microsoft 365 Groups
1.5.2 Microsoft 365 Groups privacy
1.5.3 Group membership and roles
1.6 Microsoft Teams with SharePoint and OneDrive
1.6.1 SharePoint in Microsoft Teams
1.6.2 Teams-connected sites and channel types
1.6.3 OneDrive in Microsoft Teams
1.7 Microsoft Teams with Exchange
1.7.1 Exchange mailbox for Teams
1.7.2 Teams in a hybrid Exchange Deployment
1.8 Microsoft Teams certified solutions
1.8.1 Microsoft 365 App compliance program
1.8.2 Microsoft Teams certified devices
1.8.3 Microsoft Teams connected contact center certification program
1.8.4 Microsoft Teams certified compliance recording
1.8.5 Microsoft certified session border controller (SBC)
1.8.6 Microsoft certified cloud video interop (CVI)

2. Plan and Deploy Teams
2.1 Designate Teams admin roles
2.1.1 Teams Administrator
2.1.2 Teams Device Administrator
2.1.3 Teams Communications Administrator
2.1.4 Teams Communications Support Engineer
2.1.5 Teams Communications Support Specialist
2.1.6 Assign Teams admin roles in Microsoft 365 admin center
2.2 Teams management tools
2.2.1 Teams admin center
2.2.2 Teams PowerShell module
2.2.3 Teams Graph API
2.2.4 Management through Teams clients
2.2.5 Microsoft Entra admin center
2.2.6 Microsoft 365 admin center
2.2.7 Microsoft Defender portal and the Microsoft Purview compliance portal
2.3 Plan for Teams rollout
2.3.1 Get familiar with Teams
2.3.2 Deploy Teams features
2.3.3 Migrate from existing Skype for Business to Teams
2.3.4 Advisor for Teams
2.4 Plan for Teams adoption
2.4.1 Identify key stakeholders, champions, and user profiles
2.4.2 User profiles
2.4.3 Champions
2.5 Plan for Teams licensing
2.5.1 Microsoft Teams licenses
2.5.2 Teams license
2.5.3 Microsoft Teams add-on licenses
2.5.4 Licensing for governance, security, and compliance features
2.5.5 Licensing for guest access
2.6 Deploy Microsoft Teams clients
2.6.1 Windows Operating Systems
2.6.2 Mac Operating Systems
2.6.3 Linux Operating Systems
2.6.4 Teams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure
2.6.5 Deploy Teams mobile clients
2.6.6 Deploy Teams web clients
2.6.7 Client update management

3. Teams Lifecycle management and governance
3.1 Plan for lifecycle management
3.1.1 Concepts
3.1.2 Teams lifecycle stages
3.1.3 Understand lifecycle workflows
3.2 Plan for Teams governance
3.2.1 Group and team creation, naming, classification, and guest access
3.2.2 Group and team expiration, retention, and archiving
3.2.3 Group and team membership management
3.2.4 Teams feature management
3.2.5 Security and compliance
3.3 Microsoft 365 Groups creation
3.3.1 Manage a Microsoft 365 group
3.3.2 Strategies for Microsoft 365 Groups creation
3.3.3 Restrict creation of teams by modifying group creation permissions
3.4 Microsoft 365 Groups expiration policy
3.4.1 Configure Microsoft 365 groups expiration policy
3.5 Microsoft 365 Groups naming policy
3.5.1 Prefix-suffix naming policy
3.5.2 Custom blocked words
3.5.3 Configure Microsoft 365 groups naming policy using Microsoft Entra admin center
3.5.4 User experiences with naming policy
3.5.5 Outlook web client experience
3.5.6 Outlook Desktop experience
3.5.7 License requirements
3.6 Plan policy assignment for users and groups
3.6.1 Types of policies
3.6.2 Ways to assign policies
3.7 Create and manage policy packages
3.7.1 Policy packages
3.7.2 View policy packages
3.7.3 Customize policy packages
3.7.4 Assign policy packages
3.7.5 Assign a policy package to a group
3.7.6 Manage Teams preview features using Teams update policies
3.7.7 Create a custom Update policy
3.8 Create and manage teams templates and template policies
3.8.1 The types of team templates
3.8.2 Create a custom template
3.8.3 Manage templates policies

4. Monitoring a Microsoft Teams environment
4.1 Monitor Microsoft Teams usage reports
4.1.1 Access Teams reports
4.1.2 Teams usage report
4.1.3 Teams user activity report
4.1.4 Teams app usage report
4.1.5 Teams device usage report
4.1.6 Teams PSTN blocked users report
4.1.7 Teams PSTN minute pools report
4.1.8 Teams PSTN usage report
4.1.9 Teams information protection license report - Direct Routing
4.2 Monitor Microsoft 365 usage reports
4.2.1 Microsoft Teams reports in the Microsoft 365 admin center
4.2.2 Microsoft Teams user activity report
4.2.3 Microsoft Teams usage activity report
4.2.4 Microsoft Teams device usage report
4.2.5 Show user details in the reports
4.2.6 View usage information for a specific user
4.2.7 What happens to usage data when a user account is deleted?
4.3 Interpret Microsoft Adoption Score
4.3.1 Prerequisites
4.3.2 Interpret organization's Adoption Score
4.3.3 Explore Teams supporting metrics
4.4 Manage user access with Microsoft Entra access reviews
4.4.1 Key benefits
4.4.2 Allow group owners to create and manage access reviews (Preview)
4.4.3 Review access to groups
4.4.4 Audit logs in Microsoft Entra ID
4.5 Monitor the Microsoft 365 network connectivity dashboard
4.5.1 Required roles
4.5.2 Prerequisites
4.5.3 Enable Windows Location Services
4.5.4 Add locations and provide LAN subnet information
4.5.5 Manually gather test reports with the Microsoft 365 network connectivity test tool
4.5.6 Interpret network assessments
4.6 Manage Teams notifications and alerts
4.6.1 Teams monitoring rules
4.6.2 App submissions
4.6.3 Device health status
4.7 Manage feedback policies
4.7.1 Feedback features in Microsoft Teams
4.7.2 Surveys feature
4.7.3 Manage feedback policies
4.7.4 Review product feedback from users

5. Manage Access for External Users
5.1 Understand features in Microsoft Entra ID
5.1.1 Features in Microsoft Entra ID
5.1.2 External collaboration in Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft 365
5.1.3 Microsoft Entra entitlement management
5.1.4 Access packages
5.2 Work with external users in Microsoft Teams
5.2.1 External access
5.2.2 Guest access
5.3 Manage access for external users
5.3.1 Microsoft Entra ID
5.3.2 The Microsoft Purview compliance portal
5.3.3 Microsoft 365
5.3.4 Teams
5.3.5 SharePoint and OneDrive
5.3.6 Guest access authorization dependency
5.3.7 Remove guest users
5.4 Manage external collaboration in Microsoft Entra ID
5.4.1 External Identities settings Microsoft Teams
5.4.2 External collaboration settings
5.4.3 Cross-tenant access settings
5.4.4 Enable shared channels with all external organizations
5.4.5 Enable shared channels with specific organizations
5.4.6 Use Sensitivity labels
5.5 Manage external collaboration in Microsoft 365
5.5.1 External sharing settings in Microsoft 365
5.5.2 Microsoft 365 Groups settings
5.6 Manage external access in Microsoft Teams
5.7 Manage guest access in Microsoft Teams
5.8 Manage file sharing in SharePoint and OneDrive

6. Implement security for Microsoft Teams
6.1 Configure conditional access and multifactor authentication for Microsoft Teams
6.1.1 Conditional Access
6.1.2 Multifactor authentication
6.1.3 Conditional Access policy enforcement
6.1.4 Configure multifactor authentication for Teams
6.2 Configure Safe Attachments for Microsoft Teams
6.2.1 What is Safe Attachments?
6.2.2 Enable Safe Attachments for Microsoft Teams
6.3 Configure Safe Links for Microsoft Teams
6.3.1 How Safe Links works in Teams
6.3.2 Enable Safe Links for Microsoft Teams
6.4 Examine the Defender for Cloud Apps
6.4.1 What is Defender for Cloud Apps?
6.4.2 The Defender for Cloud Apps framework
6.4.3 Architecture
6.4.4 Conditional Access App Control
6.4.5 Policy control
6.5 Monitor security reports for Microsoft Teams
6.5.1 General security reports
6.5.2 Defender for Office 365 reports
6.5.3 Threat protection status report
6.5.4 URL protection report
6.6 Plan and configure enhanced encryption policies
6.6.1 End-to-end encryption for one-to-one Microsoft Teams calls
6.6.2 What is encrypted:
6.6.3 Unavailable features:
6.6.4 Configure enhanced encryption policies
6.6.5 Place end-to-end encrypted calls in Teams client
6.7 Summary about implementing Teams security

7. Implement compliance for Microsoft Teams
7.1 Create and manage sensitivity labels
7.1.1 Label scopes
7.1.2 Sensitivity label settings for groups & sites (containers)
7.1.3 Privacy and external user access settings
7.1.4 Device external sharing and device access settings
7.1.5 Enable sensitivity labels for groups & sites
7.1.6 Create and publish sensitivity labels
7.1.7 Use sensitivity labels with Teams
7.1.8 Example scenarios for sensitivity labels
7.1.9 Admin policies' effect on sensitivity labels and meeting templates
7.1.10 Sensitivity labels and templates together
7.1.11 User-based policies and meeting-based policies
7.1.12 Different meeting types with the same sensitivity
7.1.13 Specify default values that meeting organizers can change
7.1.14 Sensitivity labels for Microsoft Teams Premium
7.2 Create and manage retention policies
7.2.1 Retention locations
7.2.2 Retention settings
7.2.3 The principles of retention
7.2.4 Adaptive or static policy scopes for retention
7.3 Create and manage Data Loss Prevention policies
7.3.1 DLP policies for Microsoft Teams
7.3.2 Protect social security numbers in Teams chat and channel message
7.3.3 DLP policy configuration overview
7.4 Deploy communication compliance
7.4.1 Supported communication channels
7.4.2 Workflow for implementing Communication compliance
7.4.3 Configure
7.4.4 User-reported messages policy
7.4.5 Configuring an Offensive Language policy
7.4.6 Configuring prerequisites and creating a communication compliance policy
7.4.7 Creating the policy to monitor for offensive language
7.4.8 Investigate and remediate alerts
7.4.9 Deciding the remediation action on policy match
7.4.10 Resolve
7.4.11 Power Automate
7.4.12 Tag as
7.4.13 Notify
7.4.14 Escalate
7.4.15 Escalate for investigation
7.4.16 Remove message in Teams
7.4.17 Communication Compliance Reports
7.5 Enable scoped directory search
7.5.1 When should you use scoped directory searches?
7.5.2 Turn on scoped directory search
7.6 Example configuration to implement Address Book Policy in Exhange Online
7.6.1 Principal of Address Book Policy
7.6.2 Address Book Policy Routing Agent
7.6.3 Creating and Assigning Address Book Policy
7.6.4 Address Book Policy design example
7.7 Information Barrier policy
7.7.1 How information barriers work in Teams
7.7.2 Prerequisites for information barriers
7.7.3 Segment users in your organization
7.7.4 Define information barrier policies
7.8 Create security and compliance alerts for Microsoft Teams
7.8.1 How alert policies work
7.8.2 Alert policy settings
7.8.3 View alerts

8. Network settings for Microsoft Teams
8.1 Examine network requirements for Microsoft Teams
8.2 Network requirements
8.2.1 Bandwidth requirements
8.2.2 Network optimization
8.3 Configure network ports and protocols for Microsoft Teams
8.3.1 Change management for Office 365 IP addresses and URLs
8.3.2 Change notification using the Office 365 IP address and URL web service
8.3.3 Change notification using RSS feeds
8.3.4 Change notification and approval review using Power Automate
8.4 Implement Quality of Service
8.4.1 Implement QoS
8.4.2 Verify if a network is ready for QoS
8.4.3 VPN considerations
8.4.4 Select a QoS implementation method
8.4.5 Choose initial port ranges for each media type
8.4.6 Implement QoS in the Teams admin center
8.4.7 Validate the QoS implementation
8.5 Configure reporting labels for location-enhanced Call Analytics reports
8.6 Configure tenant data for Call Quality Dashboard reports
8.6.1 Prepare data files
8.6.2 Update a building file
8.6.3 Add net new subnets
8.6.4 Add missing subnets
8.7 Assess network readiness
8.7.1 Microsoft 365 network connectivity test tool
8.7.2 Share network connectivity test results
8.7.3 Microsoft Teams network assessment tool
8.7.4 DNS Anycast
8.8 Manage network topology
8.8.1 Configure trusted IP addresses
8.8.2 Configure roaming policies
8.8.3 Network settings for Microsoft eCDN
8.9 Summary of Networking in Teams

9. Manage Apps for Microsoft Teams
9.1 Explore apps in Microsoft Teams
9.1.1 Microsoft Teams app capabilities
9.1.2 Teams and Microsoft Power Platform
9.2 Admin settings for Teams apps
9.2.1 View all Teams apps in your tenant app catalog
9.2.2 View App security, compliance, and privacy information from Teams Admin Center
9.2.3 Understand org-wide Release option
9.2.4 Manage apps at the organization level in Teams Admin Center
9.2.5 Settings for app availability and how your assignments are preserved
9.2.6 View and modify apps assigned to a user
9.2.7 App setup policies
9.2.8 Custom app upload
9.2.9 Customize store
9.3 Manage permissions and consent for Teams apps
9.3.1 View resource-specific consent (RSC) permissions for apps
9.3.2 Grant org-wide admin consent to an app
9.4 Plan and configure connectors
9.4.1 Enable or disable connectors in Teams
9.4.2 Publish connectors for your organization
9.5 Manage custom apps uploads
9.5.1 Org-wide custom app setting
9.5.2 App Setup Policy
9.5.3 Team custom app setting
9.6 Publish custom apps to Microsoft Teams
9.6.1 Publish custom apps to organization's app store
9.6.2 Approve custom apps submitted by users
9.6.3 Update custom apps
9.7 Manage purchasing of apps in the Microsoft Teams app store
9.7.1 Purchase apps in the Teams admin center
9.7.2 Manage licenses for third-party apps
9.8 Customize the branded experience of an app
9.8.1 Customize details of an app

10. Teams meetings and calling
10.1 Introduction to Teams meetings and calling
10.1.1 Teams Meetings
10.1.2 Breakout rooms
10.1.3 Teams Webinars
10.1.4 Teams Town halls
10.1.5 Teams Live Events
10.2 Teams Phone Overview
10.2.1 Teams Phone with Calling Plans
10.2.2 Operator Connect
10.2.3 Teams Phone Mobile
10.2.4 Direct Routing
10.2.5 Emergency calling
10.3 Overview of auto attendants and call queues
10.3.1 Call queues
10.3.2 Auto attendants
10.3.3 Requirements
10.4 Overview of Teams devices
10.4.1 Microsoft Teams on desktop clients
10.4.2 Microsoft Teams on Mobile Phones
10.4.3 Microsoft Teams in internet browser clients
10.4.4 Teams devices in the Teams admin center
10.4.5 Microsoft Teams Rooms devices
10.4.6 Traditional Teams Meeting Rooms
10.4.7 Microsoft Teams Signature Rooms
10.4.8 Panels
10.4.9 Displays
10.4.10 Additional Meeting room hardware
10.4.11 Microsoft Teams for Teams phones
10.4.12 SIP devices

11. Configure, deploy, and manage Teams devices
11.1 Manage Microsoft Teams Phones
11.1.1 Enrollment of Microsoft Teams phones into Intune
11.1.2 Managing Teams phones using configuration profiles
11.1.3 Configure SIP gateway for SIP compatible devices with Teams
11.2 Manage Microsoft Teams Room Systems
11.2.1 Licensing requirements for Teams Rooms
11.2.2 Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro Management portal
11.2.3 Creating room accounts
11.2.4 Enabling voice for Microsoft Teams Rooms
11.2.5 Microsoft Teams Rooms policy options
11.3 Microsoft Teams Rooms management options
11.3.1 Configuring and managing Microsoft Teams Rooms
11.3.2 Microsoft Teams Rooms in the Teams admin center
11.3.3 Microsoft Teams Rooms in the Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro Management portal
11.4 Manage Microsoft Teams displays
11.5 Remote provisioning and sign in for Teams Phones
11.5.1 Prerequisites for remote provisioning
11.5.2 Performing remote provisioning
11.6 Update Microsoft Teams devices remotely
11.6.1 Automatic updates
11.6.2 Manual updates
11.6.3 Post-update verification
11.7 Planning to deploy Teams Phone
11.7.1 Plan for Teams Phone
11.7.2 Plan for Teams Phone Licensing
11.7.3 Microsoft Teams Calling Plans
11.7.4 Teams Phone with Calling Plans
11.7.5 Teams Phone with Operator Connect
11.7.6 Teams Phone with your own PSTN carrier with Direct Routing
11.7.7 Teams Phone Mobile
11.7.8 Teams Phone Shared Calling
11.7.9 Teams Phone with a combination of PSTN connectivity options
11.7.10 Cloud Voicemail for Teams users
11.8 Manage and configure Microsoft PSTN numbers
11.8.1 Acquire Calling Plan licenses from Microsoft
11.8.2 Acquire phone numbers from Microsoft
11.8.3 Create Microsoft port request for user and service numbers
11.8.4 Information needed for a port request
11.9 Configure Operator Connect and Teams Phone Mobile
11.10 Configure Teams Phone policies
11.10.1 Understanding dial plans
11.10.2 Create a dial plan
11.10.3 Configure calling policies
11.10.4 Configure Call park policies
11.10.5 Configure inbound call blocking
11.11 Configure auto attendants and call queues
11.11.1 Implementation of auto attendants
11.11.2 Nested auto attendants
11.11.3 Test and edit auto attendants
11.11.4 Implement a call queue
11.12 Caller ID Policy
11.12.1 Outbound caller ID options
11.12.2 Inbound caller ID options

  • 攝影初級
  • 攝影中級 (風景專題)
  • IPA 拼音:級別 1 2 3 4
  • 基礎普通話拼音 (免費)
  • 進階普通話拼音
  • 普通話會話:級別 1 2 3
  • 級別 1 2 3
  • 濕疹與皮膚敏感病
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  • 紫微斗數:級別 1 2 3
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  • 八字風水:級別 1 2 3
  • 奇門遁甲:級別 1 2 3