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雖然現今有很多不同的網頁伺服器軟件, 但使用量上最多的是兩個免費開源軟件:Apache 及 Nginx。 兩者分別都有三成左右的使用量。本課程主要教授 Apache,但也會補充關於 Nginx 的安裝和設定。除了可以掌握兩款不同網頁伺服器軟件的設定方法,也可以從中選擇適合你的 伺服器軟件。
課程中會示範在 Linux 作業系統上分別安裝這兩款軟件,因為這兩款軟件在 Linux 上運行時,所發揮的效能都比在 ?Windows 上運行為高。不過因本課程主要教授的是伺服器軟件功能上的設定,所以就算你將來打算用這兩款軟件的 Windows 版本,你也可通過本課程所學的知識去設定。
除了基本功能上的設定外,要避免現今網頁瀏覽器對你的網頁發出「不安全」等字句,本課程也包括加密 HTTPS 需要的設定 及 如何免費申請 HTTPS 所需要的合資格證書。
最後,本課程也會介紹反向代理 (Reverse Proxy) 的設定及應用,令你可為不合現今瀏覽器安全標準的舊有網頁伺服器去提供 HTTPS 服務。
課程名稱: |
Linux 網頁伺服器 (Web Server) 課程 - 簡稱:Linux Training Course (Web) |
課程時數: |
合共 12 小時
適合人士: |
對 Linux 有基礎認識人士 或 曾修讀本中心 Linux 安裝及基本管理課程 人士 |
授課語言: |
以廣東話為主,輔以英語 |
課程筆記: |
本中心導師親自編寫英文為主筆記,而部份英文字附有中文對照。 |
1. How Web Server Works
1.1 Overview
1.2 HTTP Protocol
1.3 HTTPS Protocol
1.4 TCP/IP
1.5 DNS (Domain Name System)
1.6 Firewall Settings
1.7 NAT Port Mapping (Optional)
2. Apache Web Server Setup
2.1 Background
2.2 Setup Apache in CentOS
2.3 Setup Apache in Ubuntu
3. Configuring Apache Web Server
3.1 Configuration Files
3.2 Basic Configuration Settings
3.3 Testing with a Simple Web Page
3.4 Modules
3.5 Error Documents
3.6 Logging
3.7 Configuration Section Containers
3.8 Access Control
3.8.1 Require all and Require ip directives
3.8.2 Require user directive
3.8.3 RequireAny and RequireAll Authorization Containers
3.9 Options
3.10 Directory Containers in Default Configuration
3.11 Alias, Redirect and Rewrite
3.11.1 Alias
3.11.2 Redirect
3.11.3 Introduction to Rewrite
3.12 AllowOverride and .htaccess
3.13 Working with Programming Languages
3.13.1 Overview
3.13.2 Using PHP through FastCGI
3.13.3 Using PHP through Apache module
3.13.4 Using Python through CGI
3.13.5 Using Python through Custom Interface WSGI
3.14 Virtual Hosting
3.15 About Reloading and Restarting
3.16 Setting up HTTPS
3.16.1 Basic Steps to Enable SSL/TLS
3.16.2 Enabling SSL/TLS in Apache running on CentOS
3.16.3 Enabling SSL/TLS in Apache running on Ubuntu
3.17 Setup Certificate Issued by Let’s Encrypt
3.17.1 About LetsEncrypt
3.17.2 Preparation Required for Verification through Web Server
3.17.3 Installing Certbot in CentOS
3.17.4 Installing Certbot in Ubuntu
3.17.5 Obtaining Certificate from Let’s Encrypt through Certbot
3.17.6 Setup Virtual Host for HTTPS using the Obtained Certificate
3.17.7 Renewing Certificate
3.18 Configure Proxying
3.18.1 Overview
3.18.2 Basic configuration for Reverse Proxy
3.18.3 Reverse Proxying based on Host Name
3.18.4 ProxyPass Parameters and Proxy Container.
3.19 Brief Notes about Monitoring and Tuning Apache
4. Nginx
4.1 Overview
4.2 Installing Nginx
4.2.1 In CentOS
4.2.2 In Ubuntu
4.3 Default Configuration installed with Nginx
4.3.1 For CentOS
4.3.2 For Ubuntu
4.4 Configuring Server Block
4.5 Configuration Settings for Nginx
4.5.1 Equivalent setting as “Location” container in Apache
4.5.2 Access Control
4.5.3 Equivalent settings as “Alias” in Apache
4.5.4 Equivalent settings as “Redirect” in Apache
4.5.5 try_files
4.5.6 Reverse Proxy Setting
Appendix 1 : Linux OS & Tools Installation
1.1 Installing VMware Workstation Player
1.2 Installing CentOS (Using CentOS Stream 9 as example)
1.3 Installing Ubuntu Server (Using Ubuntu Server 22 as example)
1.4 Installing / Setup SSH Tools
1.4.1 Putty
1.4.2 Nano
1.4.3 WinSCP
Appendix 2 : Apply Certifcate Manually through Web
1.1 Overview
1.2 Preparation
1.3 Applying Certificate
1.4 Getting the Key file and Certificate File