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在美國 NASDAQ 市值 124 億美元 (超過 967 億港元) 是應用程式傳輸基礎建設的全球領導者,憑著卓越的可靠性立足業界前沿。
Citrix 在超過 100 個國家擁有約 6,200 個銷售渠道和商務聯盟。在 2010 年,Citrix 的年度收益達到 2 億美元。Citrix 為全球超過 18 萬家採用不同應用程式及不同用戶的機構提供最可靠、最佳、具高度安全性及價格實惠的應用程式解決方案。 |
Citrix XenApp 6 (前稱 Citrix Presentation Server) 是 Citrix 旗下重要軟件品牌。它包括以下主要功能:
i. Application Virtualization
ii. Application Centralization
iii. Application Management and Delivery
Citrix XenApp 6 是 Citrix 公司的基石,也是全世界最被廣泛採用的呈現伺服器 (presentation server),它可集中佈署與管理應用程式,尤其是在混合環境效果更突出 (例如在 Unix / Macintosh / Linux / Windows Mobile / Symbian OS / Iphone OS/ Android OS 上執行 Windows 應用程式)。
無論使用者身在何處,Citrix XenApp 6 都能讓他們更有生產力,讓使用者即時、安全地存取應用程式與資訊,改善資料的正確性與業務流程。使用者可以在不同裝置、地點、以及網路之間漫遊並持續工作,而不會受到中斷的困擾。 |
為了能證明你有基要、高等或進階的程度來管理 Citrix XenApp,Citrix 便推出三張不同級數的國際認可認書: |
進階: Citrix Certified Enterprise Engineer (CCEE)
高等: Citrix Certified Advanced Administrator (CCAA)
基要: Citrix Certified Administrator (CCA) |
本中心的 CCA 6 課程由 Larry Chan 籌備多時,精心編排。由上堂、溫習、實習、考試研習、做試題至最後考試,均為你度身訂造,作出有系統的編排。務求真正教識你,又令你考試及格。 |
課程名稱: |
Citrix CCA 6 國際認可證書課程 - 簡稱:Citrix CCA 6 Training Course |
課程時數: |
共 24 小時課堂 (共 8 堂) |
適合人士: |
對電腦網路安裝及使用有基本認識,有志投身 I.T. 界的人士,公司經理或資訊科技部門工程人員 |
授課語言: |
以廣東話為主,輔以英語 |
課程筆記: |
本中心導師親自編寫英文為主筆記,而部份英文字附有中文對照;再附送電子書作參考 |
Larry Chan 親自教授: |
Larry 善於控制學習節奏,深入淺出,令學員在輕鬆氣氛下,掌握電腦技巧。 |
2. Larry Chan 親自編寫筆記: |
Larry 親自編寫筆記,絕對適合 CCA 6 考試及實際工作之用。 |
3. 提供模擬考試題目: |
本中心為學員提供模擬考試題目,每條考試題目均附有標準答案。而較難理解的題目,均會附有 Larry 的解釋。 |
4. 理論與實習並重: |
本中心現場示範 近年推出的 Citrix XenApp 6.0/6.5。
本中心的 CCA 課程為全港實習示範最齊全,時數全港最長,24 小時內大部份時間以實習示範形式教授,令學員真正了解及掌握 Citrix XenApp 6.0/6.5 管理的重要技巧。
本課程實習示範途中將以多部 Citrix XenApp 6.0/6.5 Servers 及 Citrix Receiver 作展示,使學員能真正感受企業系統的運作模式。
此外,本中心還會安排 Citrix XenApp 6.0/6.5 試用版軟件,使學員可以安坐家中,按照本中心的筆記步驟來進行商用實習。 |
5. 免費重讀: |
傳統課堂學員可於課程結束後三個月內免費重看課堂錄影。 |
只要你於下列科目取得合格成績,便可獲 Citrix 頒發 CCA for Citrix XenApp 6 國際認可證書:
考試編號 |
科目名稱 |
1Y0-A20 |
Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration |
考試合格後,閣下將收到 Citrix 的電郵通知下載證書指引。
本中心為 VUE 指定的 CCA 考試試場,報考時請致電本中心,登記欲報考之科目考試編號、考試日期及時間
(最快可即日報考)。 臨考試前要出示身份證及繳付考試費 HK$1,046。
(意即 O) 或多項選擇題 (意即 口),其餘則為實戰題。作答完成後會立即出現你的分數,結果即考即知!考試不合格便可重新報考,不限次數。欲知道作答時間、題目總數、合格分數等詳細考試資料,可瀏覽本中心網頁 "各科考試分數資料"。
課程名稱:Citrix CCA 6 國際認可證書課程 - 簡稱:Citrix CCA 6 Training Course |
1. Citrix Products Overview
1.1 Product Categories
2. Architecture Overview and Licensing Guide
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Overview of Citrix Licensing
2.3 Licensing Operations Overview
2.4 Licensing Architecture and Operations
2.5 The License Request Process
3. Planning for Deployment
3.1 Installation Checklist for Citrix XenApp 6.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2
3.2 Information about Upgrading from Previous Citrix Presentation Server
3.3 Software & Platform Requirements for System and Datastore
3.4 Recommendations for Active Directory Environments
3.5 Planning for Client and Server Communications
3.6 Planning a Data Store
4. Deploying Citrix XenApp Server
4.1 Overview of Creating a new server farm
4.2 Our Windows Domain Lab Environment
4.3 Creating a Citrix License Server
4.4 About License Model
4.5 Deploying XenApp 6 Server components
5. Deploying ICA Clients
5.1 Overview of Citrix ICA Clients
5.2 Three ICA Client types
5.3 Deploying and Installing Client Software
5.4 Installing ICA Client from a network share point
5.5 Installing ICA Client using Active Directory Services
5.6 Packaging the Client Software
5.6 (cont.) Deploying ICA Client using Web Interface
5.7 Deploying Client for Java using Web Interface
6. Configuring Citrix Clients
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Configuring Program Neighborhood
6.3 Improving Performance over Low-Bandwidth Connections
6.4 Configuring Settings for Multiple Users and Devices
6.5 Overview of Program Neighborhood Agent
7. Optimizing Client Environment
7.1 Authentication Methods used by Native Citrix Clients
7.2 Configure Kerberos Authentication
8. Streaming Application and Virtualization
8.1 Overview of Client-Side Application Virtualization
8.2 Topology and Components in Citrix Streaming Environment
8.3 Application Profiling and Streaming
9. Using Virtual IP Addresses
9.1 Reasons to implement Virtual IP Address on XenApp 6 Server
9.2 Working Principle of Virtual IP Address
9.3 Working Principle of Virtual Loopback
9.4 Designating IP Address Ranges for the use with Virtual IP
10. Content Redirection
10.1 Managing Resource Launching with Content Redirection
10.2 Redirecting Content from Client to Server
10.3 Redirecting Content from Server to Client
11. Managing User Access
11.1 Setting up User Logons
11.2 Providing Users with Workspace Control for Web Interface
11.3 Configuring User Connections
12. Administering User Sessions
12.1 Finding Information about Active Sessions
12.2 Disconnected and Reconnecting Sessions
12.3 Sending Message to Users
12.4 Resetting Sessions
12.5 Logging off
12.6 Viewing Session Information
12.7 Session Reliability
12.8 Automatic Client Reconnection
13. Managing Printers
13.1 Planning Your Deployment
13.2 Print Configurations
13.3 Network Considerations
13.4 SmoothRoaming and Proximity Printing
13.5 Managing Drivers
13.6 Printing Policies
14. Implementing Printing for Enterprise
14.1 Client Printer Naming
14.2 Client Printer Security
14.3 Turning off Client Printer Auto-Creation
14.4 More about Auto-Created Client Printers
14.5 Implementing and Managing Network Printers
14.6 Print job routing policy
14.7 Limiting Printing Bandwidth
14.8 Managing Printer Drivers
14.9 Managing Drivers for auto-Created Printers
14.10 Remapping Client Printer Drivers
14.11 Replicating Printer Drivers
15. Server Load Manager
15.1 Introduction to Load Manager
15.2 How does Load Manager enhance Citrix Presentation Server
15.3 Using Load Manager in a Mixed Environment
15.4 Load Manager Features
15.4 (cont.) Calculating Loads
15.5 How Load Manager Balances Loads
16. Using Load Manager
16.1 Load Manager Requirements
16.2 Licensing Load Manager
16.3 Working with Load Evaluators
16.4 Assigning Load Evaluators to Servers
16.5 Creating New Load Evaluators
16.6 Assigning Load Evaluators to Publish Application
16.7 Updating Load Evaluator Properties
16.8 Copying and Deleting Load Evaluators
17. Using Load Manager Monitor
17.1 Monitoring Server Loads
17.2 Using the Load Manager Log
17.3 Setting the Frequency of Information Updates
17.4 Viewing Load Evaluator Usage Reports
18. Citrix Administrator Accounts
18.1 Type of Citrix Administrator Accounts
18.2 Planning Citrix Administrator Accounts
19. Data Store Maintenance
19.1 Validating Data Store Consistency
19.2 Data Store Backup
19.3 Restoring a Data Store
19.4 Compacting the Data Store
19.5 Securing the Data Store
19.6 Securing Data Store on DBMS
20. Managing Secure Client Access
20.1 Definition of Citrix DMZ
20.2 Configuring Citrix Presentation Server in DMZ (Static NAT)
20.3 Providing Alternate Address by Static NAT for DMZ
20.4 Configure DMZ Setting with Alternate Addressing on Web Interface
20.5 Configuring Citrix Presentation Server in DMZ (PAT)
20.6 Providing Address and Port Translation by PAT to Citrix XenApp 5 Server in DMZ
20.7 Configure DMZ Setting with Translated Addressing on Web Interface
20.8 Maximizing Host Security of Web Interface with Citrix Access Gateway
21. Securing Citrix Network Traffic
21.1 Using ICA Protocol Encryption
22. Citrix SSL Relay
22.1 Introduction to Citrix SSL Relay
22.2 Guideline to Deploy Citrix SSL Relay
22.3 Configuring Windows Enterprise Certification Authority
22.4 Installing Server and Client Certificates
22.5 Configuring Citrix SSL Relay
22.6 Configure ICA Clients to use Citrix SSL Relay services
22.7 Enable Published Application to use SSL/TLS while launching from PNA
22.8 Configuring Citrix XenApp Service site to use SSL Relay
22.8 Configuring Web Interface and XenApp 6 Server XML Service communication
to use SSL Relay