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推介服務:課堂錄影隨時睇 (在家觀看 = 100%,在校觀看 = 0%)
學員使用 WhatsApp、電話或本網頁報名,待本中心確認已為學員留位後,即可使用 繳付學費,過程簡便!
* 各政府部門可使用 P Card 付款
如使用 P Card 繳付考試費,考試費需另加 2.5% 行政費
注意! 客戶必須查問報讀學校的教育局註冊編號,以確認該校為註冊學校,以免蒙受不必要的損失!
半費重考 !詳情... |
課程名稱: |
Lotus Notes 及 Domino CLP 9 認證課程 - 簡稱:Lotus Notes Domino CLP Training Course |
課程時數: |
共 30 小時課堂 (共 10 堂) |
適合人士: |
已考取基要 CLS 9 或擁有基要 CLS 9 知識人士 |
授課語言: |
以廣東話為主,輔以英語 |
課程筆記: |
本中心導師親自編寫英文為主筆記,而部份英文字附有中文對照;再附送 IBM Lotus 9.0 管理員手冊作參考 |
Larry Chan (Principal CLP 最頂級資格) 親自教授: |
Larry 善於控制學習節奏,深入淺出,令學員在輕鬆氣氛下,掌握電腦技巧。 |
2. Larry Chan 親自編寫筆記: |
Larry 親自編寫筆記,絕對適合 CLP 9 考試及實際工作之用。 |
3. 提供模擬考試題目: |
本中心為學員提供模擬考試題目,每條考試題目均附有標準答案。而較難理解的題目,均會附有解釋。 |
4. 理論與實習並重: |
本中心的 CLP 9 課程為全港實習示範最齊全,30 小時內大部份時間以實習示範形式教授,令學員真正了解及掌握 IBM Domino Server 9 及IBM Notes Client 9的高級管理技巧。
本課程實習示範途中將以多部 IBM Domino Server 9 及 IBM Notes Client 9 作展示,使學員能真正感受企業系統的運作模式。
此外,本中心還會安排 Lotus Notes & Domino Server 9 試用版軟件,使學員可以安坐家中,按照本中心的筆記步驟來進行商用實習。 |
5. 考試合格保障: |
本中心 CLP 9 學員於第一次考科目 C2040-407 若不合格,可申請
半費重考 科目 C2040-407 一次,但必須符合下列的四項要求:
1. 課堂出席率須達 85% 或以上。
2. 學員必須於本中心應考科目 C2040-407 考試。
3. 學員於第一次應考科目 C2040-407 考試前,必須進行本中心的科目 C2040-407 試前測驗 (90 分鐘做幾十條題目),並取得 90% 或以上的分數。
坊間有機構所謂提供的免費重考,是會設立重重不可能而又沒有事先列明的要求 (如短時間內要完成幾百條題目的試前測驗),令消費者最後根本不能享有免費重考。再加上教學水平及教材質素的問題,往往未能令消費者通過正式考試,令消費者蒙受精神、時間及金錢上的損失!故敬請萬分小心,以免誤墮坊間的消費陷阱! |
4. 於上課結束日之一個月內作出申請。
而科目 C2040-406 均如上述般的安排。 |
6. 免費重讀: |
傳統課堂學員可於課程結束後三個月內免費重看課堂錄影。 |
只要你於下列科目取得合格成績,便可獲 IBM 頒發 IBM Certified System Administrator – Notes and Domino 9 國際認可證書 (即 CLP 9):
考試編號 |
科目名稱 |
C2040-406 |
IBM Notes and Domino 9.0 Social Edition System Administration A |
C2040-407 |
IBM Notes and Domino 9.0 Social Edition System Administration B |
本中心為 IBM 指定的 CLP 9 考試試場,報考時請致電本中心,登記欲報考之科目考試編號、考試日期及時間 (最快可即日報考)。臨考試前要出示身份證及繳付考試費 HK$1,640。
考試題目由澳洲考試中心傳送到你要應考的電腦,考試時以電腦作答。所有考試題目均為英文,而大多數的考試題目為單項選擇題 (意即 O) 或多項選擇題 (意即 口)。作答完成後會立即出現你的分數,結果即考即知!考試不合格便可重新報考,不限次數。欲知道作答時間、題目總數、合格分數等詳細考試資料,可瀏覽本中心網頁 "各科考試分數資料"。
課程名稱:Lotus Notes 及 Domino CLP 9 認證課程 - 簡稱:Lotus Notes Domino CLP Training Course |
1. Addressing Mail
1.1 Addressing Modes
1.2 Using Local Address Book
1.3 Using LDAP
2. Mobile Directory Catalog
2.1 Two types of Directory Catalog
2.2 More about Condensed Directory Catalog and its benefits
2.3 Deploying Mobile Directory Catalog
3. Extended Directory Catalog
3.1 Extended Directory Catalog and Client authentication
3.2 Planning issues specific to Extended Directory Catalogs
3.3 Setting up an Extended Directory Catalog
4. Directory Assistance
4.1 Introduction to Directory Assistance
4.2 How Directory Assistance works
4.3 Installing a Messaging Server with Configuration Directory
4.4 Replicating the Extended Directory Catalog
4.5 Creating the Directory Assistance database
4.6 Creating a Directory Assistance document for Remote Primary Domino Directory
4.7 Creating a Directory Assistance document for an Extended Directory Catalog
4.8 Setting up server to use a Directory Assistance database
4.9 The DIRLINT task
4.10 Creating a Directory Assistance document for a remote LDAP directory
4.11 LDAP Schema and Schema Daemon
5. Roaming User
5.1 Reasons for letting users to roam
5.2 Registering Roaming Users
5.3 Changing a non-roaming user to roaming
6. Full-Text Indexes
6.1 Introduction to Full-Text Indexes for Single Database
6.2 Database Full-Text indexes and replication
6.3 Database Full-Text indexes and Domain Index
6.4 Creating full-text indexes for single database
6.5 Updating full-text indexes for all database
6.6 Security and full-text indexes for single databases
7. Domain Search & Domain Catalog
7.1 About Domain Search
7.2 Domain Search and single-database full-text search
7.3 Planning the Domain Index
7.4 Creating the Domain Catalog
7.5 Selecting which databases to be included in the Domain Index
7.6 Creating the Domain Index 72
7.7 Setting up Notes users for Domain Search
7.8 Server Configuration for Domain Search
8. Performance Tuning of Domino networks
8.1 Tuning up indexing performance
8.2 Tuning up Network performance
8.3 Tuning up NSF Database performance
9. Transaction Log
9.1 Introduction to Transaction Log in Domino R6/7/8/9 ODS43 data structure
9.2 Usage of a Transaction Log
9.3 How Transaction logging works
9.4 How changes are made to the database
9.5 Setting up a Domino server for transaction logging
9.6 Transaction Logging & Database Instance ID (DBIID)
9.7 Truncating Transaction Logs
9.8 Performance of Recovering from Transaction Logs v.s. Runtime Performance
9.9 Disabling transaction logging for a specific database
10. Activity Logging
10.1 System Baseline Activity v.s. User Activity
10.2 System Baseline Activity v.s. User Activity
10.3 Setting up Activity Logging
10.4 Connection Logging
11. Activity Trends
11.1 Introducing Activity Trends in Domino Server
11.2 Enabling Activity Trends
11.3 Reviewing Activity Trends Statistics
11.4 Decommissioning a server
12. Certification Log
12.1 More details about Certification Log (CERTLOG.NSF)
13. Monitoring Configuration
13.1 Monitoring Configuration Database EVENTS4.NSF
13.2 Events Generators Document
13.3 Creating a Database Event Generator
13.4 Event Handler Document
13.5 Creating a Custom Event Handler
13.6 Console Monitoring
14. Resource Balancing
14.1 About Resource Balancing
14.2 Creating Resource Balancing Plan in Activity Trend
14.3 Understanding Resource Balancing Plan
14.4 Submitting a Resource Balancing Plan
14.5 Configuring Server Access
14.6 Domino Change Control
15. Fault Recovery
15.1 Introducing Fault Recovery
15.2 Enabling Fault Recovery in a non-clustered Domino Server
15.3 Possible Problems which lead to Server Crash and Solutions
15.4 Mail-in database
15.5 Fault Reports database
16. Domino Domain Monitoring (DDM)
16.1 Introduction to Domino Domain Monitoring
16.2 Major Components of DDM
16.3 An exercise to monitor all Directory Servers in the domain
16.4 About Web Probes
16.5 About Operating System Probes
16.6 About Application Code Probes
17. Extended Access Control
17.1 About Extended Access Control List (Extended ACL)
17.2 Components of an Extended ACL
17.3 Enabling Extended Access
17.4 Assigning Extended Administration Server
18. Mail Services
18.1 Fighting UCE by various whitelists and blacklists
18.2 Configuring Whitelist and Blacklist
18.3 Setup SMTP Authentication by Internet Passwords
18.4 Converting TNEF file attachments to Notes file attachments
18.5 Message Tracking
18.6 Message Recall
18.7 Mail Journaling
18.8 Mail Policy Settings
19. Domino Clustering
19.1 Cluster benefits and requirements
19.2 Principals of Domino Clustering
19.3 The Workload Balancing (分流) process
19.4 Components of a Domino Cluster
19.5 Setting up a Domino Cluster
19.6 Setting up mail in a cluster
19.7 Restricting Cluster Replication Traffic
19.8 Improving server availability in a cluster
20. Domino server-based Certification Authority
20.1 Functions of the CA Process
20.2 Migrating Certifiers to CA Process
21. SSL Network Encryption
21.1 Explaining SSL
21.2 Registering new Internet Certifier to the CA Process
21.3 Creating the Certificate Requests database
21.4 Creating a Key-ring file and Server Certificate Requests
21.5 To Approve, Sign and Issue a server certificate
21.6 Requesting Client Certificate Manually
21.7 Issuing Internet certificates in a Person document
21.8 Encryption Strength and Configuring AES encryption for an ID file
21.9 Implementing Certificate-Based Authentication
21.10 Configure Key Rollover
21.11 Issued Certificate List (ICL)
21.12 Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
22. Smart Upgrade
22.1 Introducing Smart Upgrade
22.2 Creating IBM Notes Smart Upgrade database
22.3 Adding update kits to the IBM Notes Smart Upgrade database
22.4 Creating Smart Upgrade application link
22.5 Desktop Settings Policy and Smart Upgrade Tracking Reports database
22.6 Smart Upgrade Cache Status & Statistics
22.7 Using Smart Upgrade Governor
23. Client Configuration
23.1 Describing Client AutoSave feature
23.2 Enable the “Allow AutoSave” option in Form Design
23.3 Enable the “AutoSave” feature in Notes Clients
23.4 Recovering documents saved by the AutoSave feature
23.5 Calendar Cleanup
23.6 Out of Office
23.7 Delegating Mail, Calendar, To Do and Contact List
24. Administration ECL
24.1 Recalling Workstation ECL
24.2 Customizing the Administration ECL
24.3 Using <ECLOwner>
25. Agent Automation
25.1 Introducing Agents
25.2 Creating an Agent in a database
25.3 Testing the Agent
25.4 Configuring the Agent Manager Task
25.5 Agent Security assignment
25.6 Notes Client Out-of-Office agent
26. Shared Mail Storage
26.1 Shared Mail overview
26.2 How Shared mail works
26.3 Enabling Shared Mail
26.4 Directory Link
27. Domino Attachment and Object Service
27.1 Introduction to Attachment Consolidation
27.2 DAOS Benefits
27.3 Configuring Domino Server for attachment consolidation
27.4 Configuring Notes Database to use DAOS for storing attachments
27.5 Managing the attachment storage repository (Optional Knowledge)
28. POP3/IMAP Services
28.1 Introducing the POP3 protocol
28.2 Authenticating with the POP3 server
28.3 Enabling the POP3 Service port by Internet Site Document
28.4 Creating Person document and Mail file for a POP3 only user
28.5 Introducing the IMAP protocol
28.6 How Domino modifies mail files to support IMAP
28.7 Configure Router task to write IMAP attributes to IMAP-enabled mail database
28.8 Creating an IMAP Internet Site document
29. Cross Certificates
29.1 Notes Cross Certificates
29.2 Registering Users in another organization
29.3 Creating Cross Certificates in Domino Directory
29.4 Creating Cross Certificates in Notes Client
29.5 Possible IDs for Cross Certification
29.6 Creating Cross Certificate from Person Document
30. Managing Notes ID
30.1 Recertifying a user ID
30.2 Moving a user name in the name hierarchy
30.3 Certifier documents required for the move
31. Domino Offline Services (DOLS)
31.1 Overview of DOLS (Optional knowledge)
31.2 DOLS Administrator Tasks (Optional knowledge)
31.3 How DOLS works (Optional knowledge)
31.4 Creating a DOLS Offline Security Policy document (Optional knowledge)
31.5 Setting up DOLS on a server (Optional knowledge)
31.6 Configuring DOLS Subscriptions (Optional knowledge)
31.7 Installing Domino Sync Manager and subscriptions (Optional knowledge)
31.8 Setting up the Domino Web server log (DOMLOG.NSF)