ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management 國際認可證書課程

本中心為 ITIL® 官方授權教育中心,課程以認可導師及教材教授。

本中心現已支援 轉數快 付款。


日期 (dd/mm): 29/04 - 09/05

星期: 二、五
時間: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
課時: 12 小時
地點: 旺角
學費: $2,480 (另加 $3,985 考試費)
導師: Franco

# 請注意:ITIL® 官方授權機構硬性規定,報讀 ITIL® 課程時必須同時繳交相應的考試費
費用 ($2,480 + $3,985) 已經包括考試所需的費用

質素保證:免費試睇首 1 小時小時課堂錄影,請致電 2332-6544 與本中心職員預約。
半費重考,最後 1 堂之 1 個月內為保障期限。

(在家觀看 = 0%,在校觀看 = 100%)

100% 在校觀看日期及時間:

不限$2,480 (地點沒有限制)報名
旺角95折 $2,356 報名 phone
觀塘9折 $2,232 報名 phone
北角9折 $2,232 報名 phone
沙田9折 $2,232 報名 phone
屯門9折 $2,232 報名 phone
#(另加 $3,985 考試費)
# 請注意:ITIL® 官方授權機構硬性規定,報讀 ITIL® 課程時必須同時繳交相應的考試費
費用 ($2,232 / $2,356 / $2,480 + $3,985) 已經包括考試所需的費用

課時: 12 小時

享用時期: 報讀日至 4 星期內,進度由您控制,可快可慢。

在校免費試睇:首 1 小時,請致電以上地點與本中心職員預約。
半費重考。開始觀看最後 1 堂之 1 個月內為保障期限。請務必向本中心購買考試券。

(在家觀看 = 100%,在校觀看 = 0%)

100% 在家觀看日期及時間:
每天 24 小時全天候不限次數地觀看

在家$2,480 # 報名 phone
海外在家$2,976 # 報名 phone

#(另加 $3,985 考試費)
# 請注意:ITIL® 官方授權機構硬性規定,報讀 ITIL® 課程時必須同時繳交相應的考試費
費用 ($2,480 + $3,985) 已經包括考試所需的費用

課時: 12 小時

享用時期: 報讀日至 4 星期內,進度由您控制,可快可慢。

在校免費試睇:首 1 小時,請致電以上地點與本中心職員預約。
半費重考。開始觀看最後 1 堂之 1 個月內為保障期限。請務必向本中心購買考試券。

ITIL® 是 Information Technology Infrastructure Library 的簡稱。ITIL® 描述服務管理的最佳實務。由於 ITIL® 的內容建基於不同的的服務、服務經理、學術研究、顧問等,故此 ITIL ® 所描述的方法相當中肯、應用層面亦相當廣泛。ITIL® 4 是最新的 ITIL® 版本。

以下是 ITIL® 4 的 Certification Scheme

Copyright © AXELOS Limited 2023. Used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

本中心的 ITIL® 4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management 國際認可證書課程是由教授 ITIL® 課程多年的 ITIL® 認可導師 Franco 配合本中心自行編制的教材授課,課程內容覆蓋 ITIL® 4 Foundation syllabus所要求的內容,針對考試重點授課,使同學能通過考試。

課程名稱: ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management 國際認可證書課程
- 簡稱:ITIL 4 Foundation Training Course
課程時數: 共 12 小時課堂 (共 4 堂)
適合人士: 對 ITIL® 有興趣的人士
授課語言: 以廣東話為主,輔以英語
課程筆記: 本中心導師親自編寫英文為主筆記,而部份英文字附有中文對照。

1. ITIL® 認可導師: 專業ITIL® 認可導師教授。
2. ITIL® 認可教材: 本課程會使用本中心編制的 ITIL® 4 Foundation 認可教材教授。
3. 提供模擬考試題目: 本中心為學員提供 ITIL® 4 Foundation 的模擬考試題目,每條考試題目均附有標準答案。
4. 考試合格保障: 本中心 ITIL® 4 Foundation 學員於第一次考 ITIL® 4 Foundation 若不合格,可申請 半費重考 ITIL® 4 Foundation 一次,但必須符合下列的四項要求:
1. 課堂出席率須達85%或以上。
2. 學員必須透過本中心安排及於本中心應考 ITIL® 4 Foundation 考試。
3. 學員於第一次應考 ITIL® 4 Foundation 考試前,必須進行本中心的 ITIL® 4 Foundation 試前測驗,並取得90%或以上的分數。
4. 於上課結束日之一個月內作出申請。
5. 免費重讀: 傳統課堂學員可於課程結束後三個月內免費重看課堂錄影。

學員可以選擇在本中心或在家應考 ITIL® 4 Foundation 考試。


  • 電話:3580-1893
  • 辦公時間:一至五:14:15 - 22:00;六及日:12:15 - 20:00 (星期三及公眾假期休息)


14:45 - 22:15
14:00 - 21:30
10:30 - 18:00

14:30 - 22:00
12:30 - 20:00



  • There is only one doorway for access in and out of the room.
  • The room is private, and you can be sure you will be alone for the entire exam.
  • The walls and desk/table(s) are clear of all unnecessary and/or unauthorized items (e.g., posters, post-it notes, papers and books).
  • Where note paper or other resources are allowed, you can and should have this available on your desk for your exam onboarding. You must show these authorized items to the Proctor on request, so they can ensure there is nothing on them that could provide an unfair advantage.
  • No screens are visible, other than the screen which is being used to take the exam.
  • There is adequate light to ensure the Proctor can see you clearly throughout the exam. Light should not be directed toward the webcam.


  • Windows® 11, Windows® 10 version 17763 or later (Windows 10S is not supported), Windows® 8.1, Windows® 8.
  • Internet Explorer version 10 or greater.
  • Dual-core 2.4GHz CPU or faster with 2GB of RAM (Minimum requirements).
  • Active Full-Time/Broadband internet connection of at least 4Mbps.
  • 16-bit monitor (at least 15") with screen resolution 1024 x 768 or higher.
  • Speakers and microphone.
  • Keyboard and mouse or another pointing device (keyboard set to English characters).
  • A single web camera you can rotate.
  • Cameras are clear and free from obstruction.
  • You can rotate your webcam 360 degrees, low and high, to show all areas of the room, including under the desk, the desk surface and any other areas that may pose a risk to exam security.
  • The computer sound settings are set to Speakers and Microphones. Headsets are not allowed during the exam.
  • The screen and webcam are positioned so that you and the doorway of the room are fully visible to the Proctor through the webcam.
  • You are sat comfortably and can maintain the same position, in full view of the Proctor, throughout the exam.

考試費為 HK$3,985。

課程名稱:ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management 國際認可證書課程
- 簡稱:ITIL 4 Foundation Training Course

1 Introduction

2 Quoted ITIL® text from publications

3 Bloom's levels (BL)
3.1 BL1
3.2 BL2

4 Understand the key concepts of service management [Syllabus Reference: 1]
4.1 Recall the definition [Syllabus Reference: 1.1]
4.1.1 Service [Syllabus Reference: 1.1a]
4.1.2 Utility [Syllabus Reference: 1.1b + 1.2g]
4.1.3 Warranty [Syllabus Reference: 1.1c + 1.2h]
4.1.4 Customer [Syllabus Reference: 1.1d]
4.1.5 User [Syllabus Reference: 1.1e]

4.1.7 Service management [Syllabus Reference: 1.1f]
4.2 Describe the key concepts of creating value with services [Syllabus Reference: 1.2]
4.2.1 Value [Syllabus Reference: 1.2b]
4.2.2 Cost [Syllabus Reference: 1.2a]
4.2.3 Organization [Syllabus Reference: 1.2c]
4.2.4 Output [Syllabus Reference: 1.2e]
4.2.5 Outcome [Syllabus Reference: 1.2d]
4.2.6 Risk [Syllabus Reference: 1.2f]
4.3 Describe the key concepts of service relationships [Syllabus Reference: 1.3]
4.3.1 Service provision [Syllabus Reference: 1.3c]
4.3.2 Service consumption [Syllabus Reference: 1.3d]
4.3.3 Service relationship management [Syllabus Reference: 1.3b]
4.3.4 Service offering [Syllabus Reference: 1.3a]

5 Understand the four dimensions of service management [Syllabus Reference: 3]
5.1 Describe the four dimensions of service management [Syllabus Reference: 3.1]
5.1.1 Organizations and people [Syllabus Reference: 3.1a]
5.1.2 Information and technology [Syllabus Reference: 3.1b]
5.1.3 Partners and suppliers [Syllabus Reference: 3.1c]
5.1.4 Value streams and processes [Syllabus Reference: 3.1d]

6 Understand the purpose and components of the ITIL® service value system (SVS) [Syllabus Reference: 4]
6.1 Describe the ITIL® service value system [Syllabus Reference: 4.1]

7 Understand how the ITIL® guiding principles can help an organization adopt and adapt service management [Syllabus Reference: 2]
7.1 Describe the nature, use and interaction of the guiding principles [Syllabus Reference: 2.1]
7.2 Explain the use of the guiding principles [Syllabus Reference: 2.2]
7.2.1 Focus on value [Syllabus Reference: 2.2a] Introduction Applying the principle
7.2.2 Start where you are [Syllabus Reference: 2.2b] Introduction Applying the principle
7.2.3 Progress iteratively with feedback [Syllabus Reference: 2.2c] Introduction Applying the principle
7.2.4 Collaborate and promote visibility [Syllabus Reference: 2.2d] Introduction Applying the principle
7.2.5 Think and work holistically [Syllabus Reference: 2.2e] Introduction Applying the principle
7.2.6 Keep it simple and practical [Syllabus Reference: 2.2f] Introduction Applying the principle
7.2.7 Optimize and automate [Syllabus Reference: 2.2g] Introduction Applying the principle

8 Understand the activities of the service value chain, and how they interconnect [Syllabus Reference: 5]
8.1 Describe the interconnected nature of the service value chain and how this supports value streams [Syllabus Reference: 5.1]
8.2 Describe the purpose of each value chain activity [Syllabus Reference: 5.2]
8.2.1 Purpose of Plan [Syllabus Reference: 5.2a]
8.2.2 Purpose of Improve [Syllabus Reference: 5.2b]
8.2.3 Purpose of Engage [Syllabus Reference: 5.2c]
8.2.4 Purpose of Design & transition [Syllabus Reference: 5.2d]
8.2.5 Purpose of Obtain/build [Syllabus Reference: 5.2e]
8.2.6 Purpose of Deliver & support [Syllabus Reference: 5.2f]

9 Know the purpose and key terms of 15 ITIL® practices [Syllabus Reference: 6]
9.1 Recall the purpose of the following ITIL® practices [Syllabus Reference: 6.1]
9.1.1 Information security management [Syllabus Reference: 6.1a]
9.1.2 Relationship management [Syllabus Reference: 6.1b]
9.1.3 Supplier management [Syllabus Reference: 6.1c]
9.1.4 IT asset management [Syllabus Reference: 6.1d]
9.1.5 Monitoring and event management [Syllabus Reference: 6.1e]
9.1.6 Release management [Syllabus Reference: 6.1f]
9.1.7 Service configuration management [Syllabus Reference: 6.1g]
9.1.8 Deployment management [Syllabus Reference: 6.1h]
9.1.9 Continual improvement [Syllabus Reference: 6.1i]
9.1.10 Change enablement [Syllabus Reference: 6.1j]
9.1.11 Incident management [Syllabus Reference: 6.1k]
9.1.12 Problem management [Syllabus Reference: 6.1l]
9.1.13 Service request management [Syllabus Reference: 6.1m]
9.1.14 Service desk [Syllabus Reference: 6.1n]
9.1.15 Service level management [Syllabus Reference: 6.1o]
9.2 Recall definitions of the following ITIL® terms [Syllabus Reference: 6.2]
9.2.1 IT asset [Syllabus Reference: 6.2a]
9.2.2 Event [Syllabus Reference: 6.2b]
9.2.3 Configuration item [Syllabus Reference: 6.2c]
9.2.4 Change [Syllabus Reference: 6.2d]
9.2.5 Incident [Syllabus Reference: 6.2e]
9.2.6 Problem [Syllabus Reference: 6.2f]
9.2.7 Known error [Syllabus Reference: 6.2g]

10 Understand 7 ITIL® practices [Syllabus Reference: 7]
10.1 Explain the following ITIL® practices in detail, including how they fit within the service value chain [Syllabus Reference: 7.1]
10.1.1 Continual improvement including the continual improvement model [Syllabus Reference: 7.1a] Details
10.1.2 Change enablement [Syllabus Reference: 7.1b] Details
10.1.3 Incident management [Syllabus Reference: 7.1c] Details
10.1.4 Problem management [Syllabus Reference: 7.1d] Details
10.1.5 Service request management [Syllabus Reference: 7.1e] Details
10.1.6 Service desk [Syllabus Reference: 7.1f] Details
10.1.7 Service level management [Syllabus Reference: 7.1g] Details

11 Appendix: ITIL® practices
11.1 Introduction to ITIL® practices
11.1.1 Types of management practices General management practices Service management practices Technical management practices
11.1.2 “Table of contents” of management practices

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