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½Ò®É¡G 6 ¤p®É
¨É¥Î®É´Á¡G ³øŪ¤é¦Ü 2 ¬P´Á¤º¡A¶i«×¥Ñ±z±±¨î¡A¥i§Ö¥iºC¡C
¥O§A DRY (Don't repeat yourself) Ãzªº½Òµ{¡I
¤j®a¦³¨S¦³¨£¹L¥H¤U«ÜÀã (Wet [Write Everything Twice / We Enjoy Typing / Waste Everyone's Time])¡A¦³¤j¶q«ÂÐ stylesªº CSS?
¥i¯à¤j®a¥i¥H¼g±o¦p¤U¹Ï¯ë ¡§µLËÝÀ㡨¡C¦ý¦P¤@Ó class ªº styles ¤À´²¦a¦b¤£¦Pªº¦a¤è³]©w¡A¦pªG CSS Ó file«Ü¤j¡An°l¬YÓ class ªº styles ·|®e©ö¶Ü¡H
¦pªG§AÀ´±o CSS Preprocessors¡A§A¥i¥H¦p¤U¹Ï¯ë¼g CSS¡A¨S¦³«ÂЪº styles¡A¨S¦³¤À´²ªº classes¡C¬Û¤ñ¤§¤U¡A¥Ñ©ó³oÓ CSS ¤Q¤À dry (don't repeat yourself)¡A¬Û¹ï®e©öÆ[¬Ý¤ÎºÞ²z¡A¥[´î§ï°l codes ³£¬Û¹ï®e©ö¡ABugs ¥ç¬Û¹ï¸û¤Ö¡C(¦b wet [Write Everything Twice] ªºÀô¹Òùظû®e©ö²£¥Í bugs)
¦A¦P¤j®a¤À¨É¦h¤@Ó¨Ò¤l¡A¦pªG¨S¦³¨Ï¥Î CSS Preprocessors¡A¾¨ºÞ¬Ý¨£µ²ºc¬Û¦üªº CSS¡A¦ý¥ç¤£®e©ö²¤Æ¡A¦p¤U¹Ï©Ò¥Ü¡C
¦pªG¨Ï¥Î CSS Preprocessors¡A´N¥i¥H¨Ï¥Î dry (don't repeat yourself) ì«h½s¼g CSS¡A¦p¤U¹Ï©Ò¥Ü¡C
CSS Preprocessors ¬O¤@¨t¦Cªº§Þ³N¯àÅý§ÚÌ¥H dry (don't repeat yourself) ì«h½s¼g¤ÎºÞ²z CSS¡C¥Ñ©ó§Ṳ́£¯àª½±µ¦a¥¼½sĶ¤U¨Ï¥Î CSS Preprocessors¡An¨É¨ü CSS Preprocessors ©Ò±a¨Óªº«K§Q´N»Ýn¦³¨t²Î¦a¥Ñ¦w¸Ë¡B½sĶ¡B»yªk¡B±N»yªkÀ³¥Î¨ì¹ê»Ú¨Ò¤lªº¬yµ{¾Ç²ß¥¦¡C¡mSass, Less »P Compass CSS ºë²µ²ºc½Òµ{¡n ¬O¤@Ó 6 ¤p®Éªº½Òµ{¡A½Òµ{¤º·|±Ð±Â²{¦³±`¥Îªº CSS Preprocessors (Sass, Less ©M Compass)¡A·í¤¤Âл\¥¦Ìªº¦w¸Ë¡B½sĶ¡B»yªk¨ìÀ³¥Î»yªkµ¥¡C³o½Òµ{¥O§A¤£¥Î¨ì¥|³BºN¯Á´N¯à¾Ç·| CSS Preprocessors¡C½Ð «ö¦¹ °Ñ¾\½Òµ{¤º®e¡C
½Òµ{¦WºÙ¡G |
Sass, Less »P Compass CSS ºë²µ²ºc½Òµ{ (CSS Preprocessors) - ²ºÙ¡GSass Training Course |
½Òµ{®É¼Æ¡G | ¦X¦@ 6 ¤p®É |
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½Òµ{¦WºÙ¡GSass, Less »P Compass CSS ºë²µ²ºc½Òµ{ (CSS Preprocessors)
- ²ºÙ¡GSass Training Course
Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) ¬O¤@Ó¬Û·í¬y¦æªº CSS Preprocessor¡C
- ¦w¸Ë Ruby
- ¦w¸Ë Sass
- Sass ©R¥O¦æ¬É±
- ±N Sass µ²¦X¨ì IDE (Integrated Development Environment, ¶°¦¨¶}µoÀô¹Ò)
- µùÄÀ
- ÅܼÆ
- ±_ª¬ CSS
- Partials »P Imports
- Inheritance »P Extends
- Mixin »P Include
- ¤Þ¥Î parent class
- ¦b CSS ¤º¶i¦æ¥[´î¼°£µ¥¹Bºâ
- Media query
- ÃC¦â³B²z
- ¹w³]È
- Interpolation
- ¬yµ{ºÞ²z
- if / else
- for loop
- each
- while
- Functions
- Custom functions
- Common numeric functions
- Common color functions
¸ò Sass ¬Û¦ü¡ALess ¬O¥t¤@Ó¦P¼Ë¬O¬Û·í¬y¦æªº CSS Preprocessor¡C
- ¦w¸Ë Less
- Less ©R¥O¦æ¬É±
- ±N Less µ²¦X¨ì IDE (Integrated Development Environment, ¶°¦¨¶}µoÀô¹Ò)
- µùÄÀ
- ÅܼÆ
- Interpolation
- ±_ª¬ CSS
- Imports
- Mixin
- Mixin guards
- Mixin arguments
- ¤Þ¥Î parent class
- Merging
- ¦b CSS ¤º¶i¦æ¥[´î¼°£µ¥¹Bºâ
- List »P Loop
- Functions
- 12-column grid system
Compass ¬O¥H Sass ¬°°ò¦ªº CSS authoring Framework.
- ¦w¸Ë Compass
- ³]©wÀô¹ÒÅÜ¼Æ (environmental variables)
- ¨Ï¥Î«ü¥O«Ø¥ß Compass ±M®×
- ¤F¸Ñ config.rb
- ¦b Compass ¤º¨Ï¥Î reset
- ¦b Compass ¤º¨Ï¥Î CSS3
- ¦b Compass ¤º³]©w Typography
- »s§@ sprite sheet
- ¤£¯à compile ®É¥i¥H¦p¦ó³B²z
1 CSS Preprocessors
1.1 Wet ©M Dry
1.1.1 Wet Wet¡G¨Ò¤l1 Wet¡G¨Ò¤l2 Wet¡G¨Ò¤l3
1.1.2 Dry Dry¡G¨Ò¤l1 Dry¡G¨Ò¤l2
2 ¶}µoÀô¹Ò (Integrated Development Environment)
2.1 ¤U¸ü¶}µoÀô¹Ò (Integrated Development Environment) ³n¥ó
2.2 ¦w¸Ë¶}µoÀô¹Ò (Integrated Development Environment) ³n¥ó
3 Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets)
3.1 ¦w¸Ë¡B¤¶±»P IDE ¿Ä¦X
3.1.1 ¦w¸Ë Sass
3.1.2 Sass «ü¥O¤¶± (Command Line Interface)
3.1.3 »P IDE ¿Ä¦X¤Î«Ø¥ß¨ã¦³ Sass ªº Project
3.2.1 ¹ê²ß¡GComments
3.3 Variables
3.3.1 ¹ê²ß¡GVariables
3.4 Nesting
3.4.1 ¹ê²ß¡GNesting
3.5 partials and @import
3.5.1 ¹ê²ß¡Gpartials and @import
3.6 @extend
3.6.1 ¹ê²ß¡G@extend
3.7 @include »P @mixin
3.7.1 ¹ê²ß¡G@include »P @mixin
3.8 Operators
3.8.1 ¹ê²ß¡GOperators
3.9 Parent selectors
3.9.1 ¹ê²ß¡GParent selectors
3.10 ÃC¦â³B²z
3.10.1 ¹ê²ß¡GÃC¦â³B²z
3.11 @media
3.11.1 ¹ê²ß¡G@media
3.12 default
3.12.1 ¦³ default »PµL default ªº¤À§O µL default ªº±¡ªp ¦³ default ªº±¡ªp
3.12.2 ¹ê²ß¡Gdefault
3.13 @if @else
3.13.1 ¹ê²ß¡G@if @else
3.14 Interpolation with @for
3.14.1 ¹ê²ß¡GInterpolation with @for
3.15 Interpolation with @each
3.15.1 ¹ê²ß¡GInterpolation with @each
3.16 Interpolation with @each (§ó¦³½ìªº¨Ò¤l)
3.16.1 ¹ê²ß¡GInterpolation with @each (§ó¦³½ìªº¨Ò¤l)
3.17 Interpolation with while
3.17.1 ¹ê²ß¡GInterpolation with while
3.18 Default arguments ©M variable arguments
3.18.1 ¹ê²ß¡GDefault arguments ©M variable arguments
3.19 Interpolation with function
3.19.1 ¹ê²ß¡GInterpolation with function
3.20 Interpolation with numeric functions
3.20.1 ¹ê²ß¡GInterpolation with numeric functions
3.21 ¤â°ÊÂà´«
3.21.1 ¹ê²ß¡G¤â°ÊÂà´«
4 Less
4.1 ¦w¸Ë¡B¤¶±»P IDE ¿Ä¦X
4.1.1 ¦w¸Ë Less
4.1.2 Less «ü¥O¤¶± (Command Line Interface)
4.1.3 »P IDE ¿Ä¦X¤Î«Ø¥ß¨ã¦³ Lessªº Project
4.3 Variables ¤Î interpolation
4.3.1 ¹ê²ß¡GVariables ¤Î interpolation
4.4 Mixins, @argument and ¡K
4.4.1 ¹ê²ß¡GMixins, @argument and ¡K
4.5 Nesting
4.5.1 ¹ê²ß¡GNesting
4.6 @import
4.6.1 ¹ê²ß¡G@import (²Ä¤@³¡¥÷)
4.6.2 ¹ê²ß¡G@import (²Ä¤G³¡¥÷)
4.7 Mixin Guards / Conditional Mixin
4.7.1 ¹ê²ß¡GMixin Guards / Conditional Mixin
4.8 Parent selectors + Mixin guard
4.8.1 ¹ê²ß¡GParent selectors + Mixin guard
4.9 ºâ³N¹Bºâ¤ÎÃC¦â¹Bºâ
4.9.1 ¹ê²ß¡Gºâ³N¹Bºâ¤ÎÃC¦â¹Bºâ
4.10 Property merge
4.10.1 ¹ê²ß¡GProperty merge
4.11 «Âаõ¦æªº mixins / grid systems
4.11.1 ¹ê²ß¡G«Âаõ¦æªº mixins / grid systems
5 Compass
5.1 ¦w¸Ë Compass ¤Î¦b IDE ¤º¨Ï¥Î Compass
5.1.1 ¦w¸Ë Compass
5.1.2 ¦b IDE ¤º¨Ï¥Î Compass
5.2 Reset
5.2.1 ¹ê²ß¡GReset
5.3 CSS3
5.3.1 ¹ê²ß¡GCSS3 (¨Ò¤l 1)
5.3.2 ¹ê²ß¡GCSS3 (¨Ò¤l 2)
5.4 Typography
5.4.1 ¹ê²ß¡GTypography (¨Ò¤l 1)
5.4.2 ¹ê²ß¡GTypography (¨Ò¤l 2)
5.4.3 ¹ê²ß¡GTypography (¨Ò¤l 3)
5.5 Sprite (ºëÆF)
5.5.1 ¹ê²ß¡GSprite (ºëÆF)