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Linux LPI Level 1 (LPIC-1) °ê»Ú»{¥iÃҮѽҵ{ - ²ºÙ¡GLPI Level 1 (LPIC-1) Training Course (Fedora version 41) |
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½Òµ{¦WºÙ¡GLinux LPI Level 1 (LPIC-1) °ê»Ú»{¥iÃҮѽҵ{ - ²ºÙ¡GLPI Level 1 (LPIC-1) Training Course (Fedora version 41) |
1. Introduction to Linux
1.1 Linux Overview
1.1.1 Linux OS and Kernel
1.1.2 Open-Source
1.1.3 Unix-Like
1.1.4 Linux Distributions
2. Basic Information about Linux Filesystem
2.1 File Systems Overview
2.2 Linux File System Characteristics
2.3 Filesystem Hierarchy Structure for Linux
3. File Operations and Management
3.1 Absolute Path Name & Relative Path Name
3.2 Common File Operations
3.2.1 Copying and Removing Files
3.2.2 Moving Files
3.2.3 Renaming Files
3.3 Common Directory Operations
3.4 Files / Directories with Special Characters
3.5 FileSystem Linking
4. Filesystem Security
4.1 Filesystem Security Overview
4.2 Configuring File Permission
4.2.1 Create User Account and Group
4.2.2 Using Linux Console Terminal
4.2.3 Read and Write Permission
4.2.4 Traditional Format for Security Descriptor
4.2.5 The Super User
4.2.6 The Execute “x” Permission
4.2.7 Default Fle Creation Mask
4.2.8 Changing Ownership
4.3 Permission For Directory
4.3.1 Read and Write Permission
4.3.2 Execute Permission
4.4 Special Attributes / Permission Flags
4.4.1 Set-User-ID (SUID) bit
4.4.2 Set-Group-ID (SGID) bit
4.4.3 The Sticky bit
4.5 Other Mechanisms for Access Control (°Ñ¦Ò³¹¸`)
4.5.1 POSIX Access Control Lists (ACLs)
4.5.2 SELinux
4.5.3 File Attributes
5. Booting Into Linux System
5.1 Basic Booting Sequence
5.2 Boot Loader Overview
5.2.1 Old Boot Loader Program
5.2.2 LILO (Old Linux Boot Loader)
5.2.3 GRUB
5.3 Boot Partition
5.4 GRUB 2
5.4.1 Overview
5.4.2 Using GRUB Menu and CLI
5.4.3 GRUB2 Booting Process and Common Problems
5.4.4 Rescue Tool in Installation Disk (°Ñ¦Ò¸ê®Æ)
5.5 BIOS and UEFI
5.5.1 Overview
5.5.2 Booting with UEFI
6. Init System
6.1 Linux Init System Overview
6.2 Sys-V Init
6.2.1 Runlevels
6.2.2 inittab
6.2.3 Scripts for Runlevels
6.2.4 Changing Runlevel
6.2.5 Boot Directly into Single User Mode
6.3 Upstart
6.4 systemd
6.4.1 Overview
6.4.2 Unit Files
6.4.3 Runlevel Targets
6.4.4 Other System Settings:
6.5 Summary of Some Commonly Used Commands
6.5.1 Control the Running of Daemons
6.5.2 Whether a Daemon should Starts when Linux Boots
6.5.3 Shutting Down or Reboot
6.6 About Physical Security (°Ñ¦Ò³¹¸`)
7. Linux Shells
7.1 Overview
7.2 Shell Variables
7.2.1 Local Variables
7.2.2 Environment Variables
7.2.3 Built-in Variables
7.3 Shell Options
7.4 Internal Commands and their Manual Page
7.5 Shell Alias (§O¦W) and Functions
7.5.1 Alias
7.5.2 Function
7.6 Bash Initialization and Profile
7.7 issue and motd
8. GNU and Unix Commands
8.1 less
8.2 grep
8.2.1 Basic Usage
8.2.2 POSIX Regular Expression
8.2.3 Extended grep
8.2.4 Fix String grep
8.3 head and tail
8.4 wc
8.5 uniq
8.6 sort
8.7 cut
8.8 diff
8.9 od
8.10 sed
8.10.1 Basic Operations
8.10.2 Using Regex
8.10.3 In-Place Editing
8.11 I/O Redirection and Pipe
8.11.1 I/O Redirection
8.11.2 Usng Pipes
8.12 Commands working with Redirection / Pipe
8.12.1 tr
8.12.2 tee
8.12.3 awk
8.12.4 expand
8.12.5 xargs
8.13 More File Related Commands
8.13.1 find
8.13.2 locate
8.13.3 Simple File Splitting
8.13.4 Splitting File by Fields
8.13.5 Commands for File Compression
8.13.6 Commands for File Archiving
8.14 Using Linux Commands in Windows (°Ñ¦Ò³¹¸`)
8.14.1 Win32 GNU Commands
8.14.2 Cygwin
8.14.3 Windows Sybsystem for Linux
9. Text File Editor : vi
9.1 Overview
9.2 Modes in Vi editor
9.3 vi Commands within Command Mode
9.3.1 Navigation Commands
9.3.2 Editing Commands
9.3.3 Search and Replace Commands
9.3.4 File Operation Commands
9.4 Using Help in Vi editor
10. Process Management
10.1 Process Overview
10.2 Process Information
10.3 Process State
10.4 Alternate Ways to Run a Program
10.4.1 exec
10.4.2 Background Jobs
10.5 Process Priority
10.5.1 Dynamic Priority
10.5.2 Static Priority / Nice Value
10.6 Managing Process Through Signals
10.7 More about ps
10.8 More about top
11. Filesystem Management
11.1 Adding a New Hard Disk
11.2 Creating Partitions
11.2.1 Partitioning for MBR Disk
11.2.2 Partitioning for GUID Disk
11.3 Making Filesystems
11.3.1 Making and Maintaining ext4 filesystem
11.3.2 Making and Maintaining xfs filesystem
11.3.3 About Fragementation
11.4 Mounting Filesystem
11.4.1 mount comand
11.4.2 /etc/fstab
11.5 Working with USB Drive and vfat
11.5.1 Creating a GRUB boot disk for BIOS system (°Ñ¦Ò³¹¸`)
11.5.2 Creating a GRUB boot disk for UEFI system (°Ñ¦Ò³¹¸`)
11.6 Introduction to LVM
12. Virtual Memory and Swap Partition
12.1 About Virtual Memory
12.2 Monitoring Virtual Memory Usage
12.3 Adding Swap Space
13. Library, Modules and Devices
13.1 Library
13.1.1 Overview
13.1.2 Library Path
13.2 Modules
13.2.1 Overview
13.3 Devices
13.3.1 Tools for Checking Hardware and Resources being used
13.3.2 /sys
13.3.3 /dev
13.4 Linux as Virtualization Guest
14. Pre-compiled Packages
14.1 Overview
14.2 RPM Packages
14.2.1 Obtaining RPM Packages
14.2.2 Installing and Uninstalling a RPM Packages
14.2.3 Querying RPM Packages
14.2.4 Upgrading RPM Packages
14.2.5 Verifying Files Installed from RPM Packages
14.2.6 Install / Upgrade through Repositories
14.3 Debian Packages
15. Screen and Tmux
15.1 Overview
15.2 Screen
15.3 Tmux
1. Shell Scripting
1.1 Overview
1.2 Basic Elements
1.3 Permission for Shell Script
1.4 Accepting Parameters and User Input
1.4.1 Parameters
1.4.2 User Inputs
1.5 Flow Controls and Conditions
1.5.1 Common Flow Controls
1.5.2 Conditions
2. User and Group Management
2.1 Groups
2.1.1 Overview
2.1.2 Managing Group
2.1.3 Group Membership
2.2 Users
2.2.1 Overview
2.2.2 Adding User
2.2.3 Modifying User
2.2.4 Deleting User
2.2.5 User Account Locking
2.2.6 User Account Expiry
2.2.7 Managing User’s Password
2.3 Limiting Resources
2.4 The Super User
2.4.1 UID 0
2.4.2 su
2.4.3 sudo
3. Linux Scheduled Jobs
3.1 Cron Daemon
3.1.1 Overview
3.1.2 Configuring System Cron Job
3.1.3 Configuring User’s Cron Job
3.2 Anacron (°Ñ¦Ò³¹¸`)
3.3 Systemd Timer
3.4 at
3.5 systemd-run
4. Logging
4.1 Overview
4.2 syslog
4.2.1 Background
4.2.2 syslogd / rsyslog Configuration
4.3 Systemd Journal
4.3.1 Overview
4.3.2 Viewing Journal Log Files
4.3.3 Managing Journal Files
4.3.4 Integrating with syslog
4.4 logrotate
4.5 Other Common Log Files
4.5.1 /var/log/dmesg
4.5.2 User Logging Files
4.5.3 SELinux Logging Files
5. Networking Basics
5.1 TCP/IP Networking
5.1.1 Overview
5.1.2 IPv4 Addressing
5.1.3 IPv6 Addressing
5.1.4 TCP / UDP
5.1.5 DNS
5.1.6 TCP/IP Settings
5.2 Ethernet
5.3 Configure Networking Settings for Linux
5.3.1 Linux Ethernet Network Interface and Configuration
5.3.2 Configuring TCP/IP Settings in Linux
5.3.3 Settings for Name Resolution
5.3.4 Manually Configure IP Settings for Your Network
5.3.5 Configuring Hostname
5.3.6 Sample Configuration for IPv6
5.4 Networking Tools
6. Networking Services
6.1 SSH
6.1.1 Overview
6.1.2 Server / User Authentication
6.1.3 SSH Daemon Configuration
6.1.4 Configuring User’s Public Key Authentication
6.1.5 Brief Introduction to GPG
6.2 Datetime and NTP
6.2.1 Overview
6.2.2 timedatectl
6.2.3 Synchronizing Using ntpdate
6.2.4 Synchronizing Using ntpd
6.2.5 Synchronizing Using chronyd
6.2.6 About systemd Time Services (°Ñ¦Ò¸ê®Æ)
6.2.7 More about date command
6.2.8 More about Localization
6.3 CUPS - Printing System for Linux
6.3.1 Overview
6.3.2 Connecting a Printer
6.3.3 Setting up a Printer in CUPS
6.3.4 Printing Locally
6.3.5 Managing Print Jobs
6.3.6 Managing Printer
6.3.7 Remote Printing and Administration
6.4 Sendmail
6.4.1 Mail System Background
6.4.2 Installing Sendmail and Simple Setup for Local Usage
6.4.3 Aliases and Mail Forwarding
6.4.4 Configuring Sendmail As Internet Mail Server (°Ñ¦Ò³¹¸`)
6.4.5 Configuring Dovecot and Email Client (°Ñ¦Ò³¹¸`)
6.5 Configuring a Simple Web Server (°Ñ¦Ò³¹¸`)
7. X Window System
7.1 Overview
7.2 Components in X Window System
7.2.1 X Server
7.2.2 Window Managers
7.2.3 Desktop Environment
7.2.4 Display Manager
7.2.5 Other Components
7.3 Starting and Stopping X Window
7.3.1 Starting X Window When Linux Boots
7.3.2 Killing X Window
7.3.3 Starting X Window Manually
7.4 Accessibility
7.4.1 Basic Features:
7.4.2 Other features
7.5 Remote Access
7.5.1 Through Remote Desktop Sessions
7.5.2 Through X Protocol
7.6 Breif Introduction to Wayland (°Ñ¦Ò³¹¸`)
7.6.1 Overview
7.6.2 Using Wayland
7.6.3 Using Xorg Server
7.6.4 Manual Starting Wayland