Linux LPI Level 3 (LPIC-3) Virtualization and Containerization 國際認可證書課程

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虛擬技術(Virtualization)是一種電腦資源管理技術。它能將一台電腦上的各種實體資源(CPU、記憶體、磁盤空間 等等),予以分割再組合為多個虛擬電腦環境。用戶可以在每個虛擬電腦環境上安裝不同的作業系統或服務軟件,從而使電腦資源得到更有效的運用。


LPI 全名是 Linux Professional Institute,是一個來自加拿大的非牟利 Linux 專業團體。由於 LPI 的考試費用較為合理,考試制度及內容亦較齊全,所以 LPI 的考試制度會比其他 Linux 考試制度更適合香港的實際環境,而我們亦預計會有越來越多人選擇考 LPI 的考試。

LPI Level 3 (LPIC-3) Virtualization and Containerization 認證的內容包括兩種不同類型的虛擬技術:Hardware-based virtualization 及 Container-based virtualization。

這兩種虛擬技術分別是使用完全不同的背景技術去建立虛擬電腦環境,因此各有不同的優點及缺點。本課程除了詳細分析這兩種類型虛擬技術的原理及技術外,也會利用不同的新舊開源免費軟件如 KVM/QEMU, Xen, LXC 及 Docker 等去示範如何應用這兩種類型的虛擬技術。

此外,市面上也有不同的開源免費工具方便使用者去管理上述軟件所建立的虛擬電腦環境。除了會簡單介紹一些知名的工具外,本課程也會示範如何使用如 Libvirt、Vagrant、cloud-init、Packer 等管理工具。

本課程的部份示範更會配以可在家中進行之實習,從而令學員加深對不同技術的了解及基本設置的方法。修畢本課程後,學員可考取 LPI Level 3 (LPIC-3) Virtualization and Containerization 國際認可證書。


課程名稱: Linux LPI Level 3 (LPIC-3) Virtualization and Containerization 國際認可證書課程
- 簡稱:LPI Level 3 (LPIC-3) Training Course (Virtualization & Containerization)
課程時數: 合共 30 小時
適合人士: 已考取 LPI Level 2 (LPIC-2) 證書的人士,或已修畢本中心所開辦的「Linux LPI Level 2 (LPIC-2) 國際認可證書課程」。
授課語言: 以廣東話為主,輔以英語
課程筆記: 本中心導師親自編寫英文為主筆記,而部份英文字附有中文對照。

1. 模擬考試題目:

本中心為學員提供 LPIC-3 Exam 305: Virtualization and Containerization 模擬試題及標準答案。
2. 導師親自編寫筆記: 由本中心擁有 LPI Level 1、2 及 3 的導師 Mr. Norman Lau 親自編寫筆記,絕對適合考試及實際管理 Linux 網絡之用,令你無須「死鋤」如字典般厚及不適合香港讀書格調的書本。
3. 免費重讀: 傳統課堂學員可於課程結束後三個月內免費重看課堂錄影。

只要你擁有有效的 LPIC-2 證書及於下列科目取得合格成績,便可獲 LPI 頒發 LPIC-3 Virtualization and Containerization 證書:

考試編號 科目名稱

LPIC-3 Exam 305: Virtualization and Containerization

本中心為 LPI 指定的考試試場。報考時請致電本中心,登記欲報考之科目、考試日期及時間 (最快可即日報考)。考試費為 HK$1,640。臨考試前考生須出示身份證及繳付考試費。

考試題目由澳洲考試中心傳送到你要應考的電腦,考試時以電腦作答。所有考試題目均為英文,考試題目為單項選擇題或多項選擇題。作答完成後會立即出現成績報告,結果即考即知!考試不合格便可重新報考,不限次數。欲知道作答時間、題目總數、合格分數等詳細考試資料,可瀏覽本中心網頁 "各科考試分數資料"。

課程名稱:Linux LPI Level 3 (LPIC-3) Virtualization and Containerization 國際認可證書課程
- 簡稱:LPI Level 3 (LPIC-3) Training Course (Virtualization & Containerization)

1. About Virtualization
1.1 Overview
1.2 Virtualization in Cloud Platform
1.2.1 Cloud Overview
1.2.2 Cloud Service Models

2. Full Virtualization
2.1 Hypervisor
2.1.1 Overview
2.1.2 Types of Hypervisor
`2.2 Virtual Hardware in a VM
2.2.1 Virtual CPU (vCPU)
2.2.2 Virtual RAM Memory
2.2.3 Virtual Disk Storage
2.2.4 Virtual Network Interface Card (vNIC)
2.2.5 Other Devices
2.3 Ways for Creating Virtual Machines
2.3.1 Standard Installation
2.3.2 Through a Template or OVA / OVF File
2.3.3 Through Conversion / Migration
2.4 Paravirtualization (半虛擬化)

3. KVM and QEMU
3.1 Overview
3.2 Installing the Basic Packages for using KVM
3.3 Creating a VM in KVM:
3.4 Brief Notes about CPU Virtualization Extension in the Host
3.5 Common Types of Virtual Network
3.5.1 QEMU User Mode Networking
3.5.2 Linux Bridge and TAP Interfaces
3.6 QEMU Monitor
3.6.1 Overview
3.6.2 An Example of Using QEMU Monitor
3.7 Using Paravirtualized I/O Devices in KVM
3.7.1 Virtio
3.7.2 Brief Notes about Direct Kernel Boot
3.8 Managing Disk Image File
3.8.1 Disk Image Formats
3.8.2 Converting Image Formats
3.8.3 Managing Snapshots in a qcow2 Disk Image

4. Libvirt
4.1 Overview
4.2 Installing Libvirt
4.3 Create a VM with virt-install
4.4 Importing / Cloning / Migrating VM
4.4.1 Importing VM from an Existing Disk Image
4.4.2 Cloning an Existing VM
4.4.3 Migrating a VM from Another Host
4.5 Networking in Libvirt
4.5.1 Enabling Serial Console and Examining Characteristics of Network “default”
4.5.2 Configuring Fixed IP Address for a VM
4.5.3 Brief Notes About Network Filters
4.6 Creating and Managing Networks
4.6.1 Creating a New Network
4.6.2 Configure a VM to use the New Network
4.6.3 Destroying and Undefining a Network
4.7 Managing Block Devices in a VM
4.7.1 Changing CD/DVD Drive Media
4.7.2 Hot Plugging Block Device
4.8 Creating and Restoring Snapshots
4.9 Other SubCommands for Managing VMs
4.9.1 save and restore
4.9.2 suspend and resume
4.9.3 reboot and reset
4.9.4 autostart
4.10 Daemons for Libvirt
4.10.1 libvirtd
4.10.2 systemd-machined
4.11 Tools for Managing Disk Images
4.11.1 Overview
4.11.2 Examples for using tools from libguestfs
4.11.3 More Examples of using Guestfish Shell (參考章節)

5. XEN
5.1 Background
5.2 Xen Overview
5.2.1 Dom0 / Domain0
5.2.2 VM Modes
5.2.3 Accessing VM’s Console / Terminal
5.2.4 Networking
5.3 Installing Xen
5.3.1 BootLoader Settings Before Xen Installation
5.3.2 Xen Installation Steps
5.3.3 BootLoader Settings After installation
5.3.4 Creating a Linux Bridge
5.4 Basic Configuration Files and Commands
5.4.1 /etc/xen/xl.conf
5.4.2 Configuration files for VM (i.e. DomU)
5.4.3 xl info
5.4.4 xl dmesg
5.4.5 xl list
5.4.6 xenstore-ls
5.4.7 xentop / xl top
5.4.8 Other Sub-Commands of xl
5.5 Creating and Managing an HVM DomU
5.5.1 Preparation
5.5.2 Create an HVM DomU and Install a Guest OS
5.5.3 Making Console Access and Examining Information in the Guest OS
5.5.4 Information of DomU gathered in the Host
5.5.5 Managing Block Devices in DomU
5.5.6 Shutting Down a DomU
5.5.7 Starting a DomU with Console Access

6. Container Virtualization
6.1 Overview
6.2 Linux Namespaces
6.2.1 About Namespaces
6.2.2 PID Namespace
6.2.3 Mount Namespace
6.2.4 Network Namespace
6.2.5 UTS Namespace
6.2.6 Time Namespace
6.2.7 User Namespace
6.2.8 IPC Namespace
6.2.9 Cgroup Namespace
6.3 Control Groups (Cgroups)
6.4 Secomp
6.5 Capabilities
6.6 History and Types of Containers
6.6.1 Brief History
6.6.2 System Container
6.6.3 Application Containers

7. Docker
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Installing Docker
7.3 Creating a Container running Web Server
7.4 Configuration Settings and Logging
7.4.1 Image Configuration
7.4.2 Container Configuration
7.4.3 Container Logging
7.5 Examining Namespace / Cgroup / Capabilites
7.6 Committing a Custom Image
7.7 Volumes
7.8 Creating a Custom Container / Image from a Base Image
7.9 Dockerfile
7.10 Notes about Docker’s Networks
7.10.1 The Default Network “bridge”
7.10.2 Creating a Custom Network
7.10.3 Creating a Custom Network with Custom IP Subnet / Range
7.10.4 Removing a Custom Network
7.11 Introduction to Docker Compose and Docker Swarm
7.11.1 Docker Compose
7.11.2 Docker Swarm
7.12 Components for Managing Containers
7.12.1 Overview
7.12.2 More about containerd
7.12.3 More about runc

8. LXC and LXD
8.1 LXC
8.1.1 Overview
8.1.2 Installing LXC
8.1.3 Create a Simple Container
8.1.4 Configuration Settings and Files for a Container
8.1.5 Namespaces, Cgroup and Capabilities for a Container
8.1.6 Networking for Containers
8.1.7 Snapshots
8.1.8 Other LXC’s commands
8.2 LXD
8.2.1 Overview
8.2.2 Installing LXD
8.2.3 Creating a Container with LXD
8.2.4 Configuration Settings of a Container
8.2.5 Profiles
8.2.6 Namespaces, Cgroup and Capabilities for a Container
8.2.7 Networking
8.2.8 Creating / Managing Images
8.2.9 Copying / Backing up Containers
8.2.10 Snapshots
8.2.11 Commonly Used lxc SubCommands
8.2.12 lxd SubCommands

9. Tools for Provision / Deployment / Orchestration
9.1 Packer
9.1.1 Overview
9.1.2 Installing Packer
9.1.3 Packer Template File
9.1.4 Example for using Packer
9.2 Cloud-init
9.2.1 Overview
9.2.2 Cloud-init Configuration Files and Services
9.2.3 Cloud Images
9.2.4 Configuration
9.2.5 Example of Using Cloud-init
9.3 Vagrant
9.3.1 Overview
9.3.2 Configuration Settings
9.3.3 Example of Installing and Using Vagrant
9.4 Other Configuration / Orchestration Tools
9.4.1 Openstack
9.4.2 CloudStack
9.4.3 OpenNebula
9.4.4 Proxmox
9.4.5 Terraform
9.4.6 Eucalyptus
9.4.7 oVirt
9.4.8 Kubernetes

Appendix 1 : Basic Setup for Exercises in this Course
1.1 Downloading and Installing VMware Workstation Player
1.2 Download CentOS and Install it in a VM
1.3 Cloning a CentOS VM for our Exercise
1.4 Installing VNC Client Program in your Windows PC

Appendix 2 : QEMU: Add/Delete Device and Other Forms of Snapshots
1.1 Add / Delete Device in QEMU Monitor
1.2 External Snapshots

Appendix 3 : Migrating VM with Libvirt
1.1 Performing Live Migration of the VM “vm1”
1.1.1 Preparing the Target Host
1.1.2 Preparing the Source Host and the Migrating VM
1.1.3 Migration the running VM “vm1”
1.1.4 Examining the Migrated VM

Appendix 4 : Using cloud-init in KVM
1.1 Preparing User Data
1.2 Downloading Cloud Images
1.3 Example of Creating a VM using cloud-init
1.3.1 Creating a VM using CentOS Stream 9 Cloud Image
1.3.2 Creating a VM using Ubuntu 22 Cloud Image
1.4 Using a Cloud Image without cloud-init

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