(在家觀看 = 0%,在校觀看 = 100%)
100% 在校觀看日期及時間:
課時: 66 小時
享用時期: 22 星期。進度由您控制,可快可慢。
在校免費試睇:首 3 小時,請致電以上地點與本中心職員預約。
半費重考。開始觀看最後 1 堂之 1 個月內為保障期限。請務必向本中心購買考試券。
(在家觀看 = 100%,在校觀看 = 0%)
100% 在家觀看日期及時間:
每天 24 小時全天候不限次數地觀看
學費:$8,970 報名 phone
課時: 66 小時
享用時期: 22 星期。進度由您控制,可快可慢。
在校免費試睇:首 3 小時,請致電以上地點與本中心職員預約。
半費重考。開始觀看最後 1 堂之 1 個月內為保障期限。請務必向本中心購買考試券。
由於電腦網絡能帶給公司很多益處 (如共用印表機、檔案、資料庫、寬頻上網等,又可設定各式各樣的保安措施),再加上 Internet (互聯網) 及 Cloud (雲端) 的發展蓬勃,故此有很多公司,不論大、中或小型,都紛紛將公司的電腦網絡化,以致 Microsoft 的網絡產品大受歡迎,形成市場對 Microsoft 網絡人材的強大需求,所以他們的市場價值亦相對其他行業為高。
Microsoft 已於 2021年 9月 1日推出了 Windows Server 2022,繼 Windows Server 2016 勢必成為主流伺服器操作系統,並成為 Microsoft 下一個經 Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) 售賣並長期支援的主要版本。而熟識 Windows Server 2022 日常管理及先進技術,更是企業資訊科技解決方案架構師 (Enterprise I.T. Solutions Architect) 不可缺少的必要技能。
新版本的 Windows Server 2022 帶來了以下重大優勢:
Advanced multi-layer security:
Windows Server 2022 通過 Secured-core 服務器和安全連接,提供了多層安全性。Secured-core 服務器意指由 Microsoft 的硬件合作夥伴提供硬件、固件 (firmware) 和驅動程序,以幫助客戶加強其關鍵系統的安全性。
Hybrid capabilities with Azure:
混合或多雲環境中的客戶,可以通過連接 Azure Arc,使用更新管理、Azure Monitor、安全中心等功能,從而利用本地 Windows Server 2022 的雲服務!
此外,你還可以利用 Windows Server 2022 的 File Server 增強功能,例如 SMB (Server Message Block) 壓縮。SMB 壓縮通過在網絡傳輸時壓縮數據來改進檔案傳輸效能。
由 Microsoft 工程人員的實際測試顯示,於 1Gbps 的網絡使用 Windows Server 2022 SMB 壓縮 (右圖) 來傳送大量檔案(約20GB),只需 28 秒,比未升級至 Windows Server 2022 前 (左圖) 所需的 2 分 43 秒大幅下降!
Flexible application platform:
Windows Server 2022 帶來了可擴展性改進,例如支持 48TB 記憶體 (memory) 和 2,048 個邏輯內核 (logical cores),並可在 64 個實體插槽 (physical sockets) 上運行。再者,對 Windows 容器亦帶來了許多附加改進,例如提高 Windows Containers 的應用程序兼容性,包括 HostProcess Containers 配置,支持 IPv6 Dual Stack,並通過 Calico Container Networking 實現一致的 Network Policy,並為 Azure Stack HCI 上的 Azure Kubernetes 服務 (AKS) 和 Azure Cloud 上的 AKS 帶來新功能。
根據 Microsoft 意見,Enterprise I.T. Solutions Architect 級別的專業人員應該具備實施和管理自設 (On-Premises) 和混合 (Hybrid) 解決方案的專業知識,例如身份、管理、計算、網絡和存儲。
他們還是執行與安全、遷移、監控、高可用性、故障排除和災難恢復相關任務的專家,並需使用管理工具和技術,包括 Windows Admin Center、PowerShell、Azure Arc、Docker Containers、Kubernetes 和 Windows Server 2022 Azure Virtual Machines。
An example of a Hybrid solution with Windows Server 2022
上述管理工具和技術還要與 Azure 自動化更新管理、Microsoft Defender for Identity、Azure 安全中心、Azure Migrate 和 Azure Monitor 配合使用。
An example of Azure-Managed Automatic Update of Applications running on Windows Server 2022 at On-premises Networks
本中心推出全新的 Microsoft Certified Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate 認證課程,本課程籌備多時,精心編排,由上堂、溫習、實習、考試研習、做試題至最後考試,均為你度身訂造,作出有系統的編排。務求真正教識你,又令你考試及格。
課程名稱: |
Microsoft Certified Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate (2科 Windows Server 2022) 國際認可證書課程 (Fast Track) - 簡稱:Windows Server 2022 Training Course (Fast Track) |
課程時數: | 66 小時 (共 22 堂) |
適合人士: | 有志投身 I.T. 界的人士 |
授課語言: | 以廣東話為主,輔以英語 |
課程筆記: | 本中心導師親自編寫英文為主筆記,而部份英文字附有中文對照。 |
1. 模擬考試題目: | 本中心為學員提供模擬考試題目,每條考試題目均附有標準答案。 |
2. 時數適中: | 本中心的 Microsoft Certified Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate (2科 Windows Server 2022) 國際認可證書課程 (Fast Track) 時數合共 66 小時,教授最精要的考試內容及以一人一機於課堂內實習最重要的項目,令學員能真正了解及掌握課程內容,而又能於 3 個月內考獲以下 1 張國際認可證書:
Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate 認證可幫助學員入職以下職位:
3. 導師親自編寫筆記: | 由本中心已擁有五項 MCITP,十多項 MCTS,MCSA 及 MCSE 資格,並有教授 Microsoft 相關課程 24年以上經驗的資深導師 Larry Chan 親自編寫筆記,絕對適合考試及實際管理之用,令你無須「死鋤」如字典般厚及不適合香港讀書格調的書本。 |
4. 一人一機上課: | 本課程以一人一機模式上課。 |
5. 考試合格保障: | 本中心為 Microsoft Certified Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate (2科 Windows Server 2022) 國際認可證書課程 (Fast Track) 學員設有全部 2 科合格保障,包括:AZ-800 及 AZ-801。 以 AZ-800 為例,本中心學員於第一次考 AZ-800 若不合格,可申請
半費重考 AZ-800 一次,但必須符合下列的四項要求: 1. AZ-800 課堂出席率須達 85% 以上。 2. 學員必須於本中心應考 AZ-800 考試。 3. 學員於第一次應考 AZ-800 考試前,必須進行本中心的 AZ-800 試前測驗,並取得 90% 或以上的分數。 4. 於上課結束日之一個月內作出申請。 |
6. 免費重讀: | 傳統課堂學員可於課程結束後三個月內免費重看課堂錄影。 |
Microsoft 已公佈考生只要通過以下 2 個 Windows Server 2022 相關科目的考試,便可獲發 Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate 國際認可證書:
考試編號 | 科目名稱 |
AZ-800 | Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure |
AZ-801 | Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services |
以上 2 科,全部設有 “考試合格保障”。
(最快可即日報考)。臨考試前要出示身份證及繳付每科HK$943之考試費。 考試不合格便可重新報考,不限次數。欲知道作答時間、題目總數、合格分數等詳細考試資料,可瀏覽本中心網頁 "各科考試分數資料"。 |
課程名稱:Microsoft Certified Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate (2科 Windows Server 2022) 國際認可證書課程 (Fast Track) - 簡稱:Windows Server 2022 Training Course (Fast Track) |
AZ-800 Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure (42 hrs)
1. Configuring DHCP Server Role
1.1 DHCP Client and Server interaction
1.2 Installing DHCP Server Role
1.3 DHCP Scope
1.4 DHCP Address Exclusion Range
1.5 DHCP Reservation
1.6 Conflict Address Detection
1.7 DHCP Policy Based Assignment (PBA) with User Classes
1.8 DHCP Server Network Binding
2. Configuring a Windows Server Router
2.1 Two Router Forms
2.2 Routing in Windows Server 2022
2.3 DHCP Relay Agent
2.4 New Client-Side features
3. Roaming VPN to On-Premises Network
3.1 Configuring VPN
3.2 Deploying VPN Connections using CMAK
3.3 PPTP and L2TP
4. Basic Concept of Storage Virtualization
4.1 Concepts of Storage Pool, Virtual Disk, and Storage Virtualization in Windows Server 2022
4.2 Configuring a Storage Pool
4.3 Configuring a Virtual Disk
4.4 Redundancy of Virtual Disks
4.5 Maintaining Storage Pool
4.6 Repairing a Storage Pool automatically using Hot Spare disks
5. Advanced Concepts of Storage Virtualization
5.1 Introduction to Tiered Storage Pool
5.2 Configuring a Tiered Storage Pool
5.3 Pinning files to specific storage tier
5.4 Storage Tiers Optimization Task
5.5 Dual Parity Non-Tiered Virtual Disks
6. Basic Concepts of Internet SCSI
6.1 Introduction to SCSI and Internet SCSI
6.2 Configuring iSCSI Portal
6.3 Configuring iSCSI Targets
6.4 Configuring iSCSI Initiator
7. NTFS Permissions
7.1 Standard NTFS Permissions on Folders and Files
7.2 Taking Ownership of Folders and Files
7.3 Giving Users the Ability to Take Ownership
7.4 To Take Ownership
7.5 More About Taking Ownership
8. Share Permissions
8.1 Configuring Share Permissions
8.2 Access-Based Enumeration (ABE)
8.3 Combining Share Permissions and NTFS Permissions
8.4 Access-Denied Assistance
9. File Server Resource Manager
9.1 Introduction to FSRM
9.2 File Server Resource Manager in Quota Management
9.3 File Screening
9.4 File Management Tasks
10. Storage in Azure Cloud
10.1 Creating a Free Azure account
10.2 Storage Account Endpoints
10.3 Creating a GPv2 Storage Account
10.4 Introduction to Azure Files
10.5 Data Access Method of Azure Files
10.6 Creating Azure File Share
10.7 Mounting Azure Files
10.8 Azure File Sync
10.9 Cloud Tiering
11. Windows Server Role
11.1 Domain Controller
11.2 Member Server
11.3 The Kerberos Authentication Protocol
12. Creating and Managing User Accounts
12.1 To Create Domain User Accounts
12.2 Deleting and Renaming User Accounts
13. Concept of Groups
13.1 Global Groups
13.2 Local Groups
13.3 General Usage of a Global Group and a Local Group
13.4 Some Built-in Global Groups
13.5 Some Built-in Local Groups
13.6 Domain Local Groups
13.7 Local User Accounts
13.8 Domain User Accounts
13.9 Built-in Local User Accounts
13.10 Some Built-in Domain User Accounts
14. Concept of Active Directory
14.1 Logical Structure
14.2 Physical Structure
15. Concepts of Windows Policy
15.1 Local Computer Policy
15.2 Site, Domain or OU Policy
15.3 Priority of Windows Policies:
15.4 Important Facts and Rules of Group Policy
15.5 Refresh Interval for Group Policy
15.6 Group Policy Security Filter
15.7 Group Policy Administrative Templates
15.8 ADMX Central Store
15.9 Group Policy Startup Script
15.10 Group Policy Slow-link detection
16. Domain Functional Level (DFL)
16.1 Understanding AD DS Domain Function Levels
16.2 Supported Domain Functional Level and Features bv Windows Server 2022
16.3 Group Types of Active Directory
16.4 Scopes of Security Group
16.5 Common Usage of Global Group, Universal Group and Local Group
16.6 Creation of a Group
16.7 Raise Domain Functional Level
16.8 Rollback Options of Domain Functional Level
16.9 Using Fine-Grained Password and Lockout Policy
16.10 Preparation
16.11 Creating Password Setting Objects by using ADSI Editor and ADAC
16.12 Apply PSOs to Users or Global Groups
17. Forest Functional Level
17.1 Forest Functional Levels available in Windows Server
17.2 Guidelines for raising Forest Functional Level
18. Active Directory Recycle Bin
18.1 About deleted Active Directory Objects
18.2 Overview of Restoring Active Directory objects by Recycle Bin
18.3 Enabling the Active Directory Recycle Bin
18.4 LDAP Names
18.5 Restoring Active Directory Objects
18.6 More about restoring multiple Active Directory Objects
19. Additional Domain Controllers
19.1 Installing Additional Domain Controllers by Network
19.2 LDAP Names
19.3 Effects on Active Directory with additional domain controllers
20. DHCP High Availability
20.1 Multiple DHCP Servers on the Same Network
20.2 DHCP Failover
20.3 About DHCP Load Sharing mode
21. Global Catalog and FSMO Roles
21.1 Introduction to Global Catalog and FSMO Roles
21.2 Global Catalog
21.3 Compacting Active Directory Database
21.4 Schema Master – Per Forest
21.5 Domain Naming Master – Per forest
21.6 PDC Emulator– Per Domain
21.7 Relative ID Master – Per Domain
21.8 Infrastructure Master – Per Domain
21.9 Active Directory Replication Status Tool
22. Azure Active Directory (AAD)
22.1 Azure AD Administrator Roles
22.2 Users and Licenses of Azure Active Directory
22.3 Terminology of Azure Active Directory
22.4 Azure Active Directory Custom Domain names
22.5 Creating Azure AD User account
22.6 Managing User Profile Information
22.7 Resetting Azure Active Directory User Password
22.8 Configure Access with Azure Active Directory Groups
22.9 Dynamic Group
22.10 Differences between Azure RBAC roles and Azure AD administrator roles
22.11 Set up directory synchronization
22.12 Monitoring AD Connect Synchronization Health
23. Windows Admin Center
23.1 Overview of Windows Admin Center
23.2 Deploying Windows Admin Center
23.3 Configuring Windows Admin Center
23.4 Enabling Windows Admin Center Single-Sign On (SSO)
23.5 Deploying Extensions to Windows Admin Center
24. NIC Teaming
24.1 Introduction to NIC Teaming
24.2 Introduction to NIC Teaming
24.3 Configuring NIC Teaming
24.4 Configuring LACP
25. Windows Containers
25.1 Introduction to Windows Containers
25.2 Fundamental Concepts of Windows Containers
25.3 Windows Container Types
25.4 Introduction to Docker
25.5 Containers for Developers
25.6 Containers for IT Professionals
25.7 Configuring Windows Container Host
25.8 Deploying a container
25.9 Building Container Images
25.10 Hyper-V Containers
25.11 A Special Reminder on Hyper-V Container Host
25.12 More about Hyper-V isolation
25.13 Container Networking Concepts
26. Azure Container Instances (ACI)
26.1 Introduction to ACI
26.2 Creating Azure Container Instance
26.3 Viewing Container Logs
26.4 Quota and Limits of Azure Container Instances
27. Azure Container Registry (ACR)
27.1 Introduction to Azure Container Registry, Repository and Images
27.2 Use cases and Key features of Azure Container Registry
27.3 Creating a Private Container Registry
27.4 Pull, Build, Push, Run a container image using Azure Container Registry Tasks
27.5 Azure Container Registry Roles and Permissions
28. High Availability Features
28.1 Failover Clusters
28.2 Scale-Out File Server for Application Data
28.3 Configuring Hyper-V to use Scale-Out File Server (Optional Knowledge)
28.4 The SMB Witness protocol (Optional knowledge)
28.5 Managing a Failover Cluster with Windows Admin Center
29. Configuring ADDS Forest
29.1 Additional Domains in existing Forest
29.2 Configuring a new domain tree to join existing forest
29.3 Conditional DNS Forwarding
29.4 Enabling Global Catalog (GC) for xyz.com
29.5 An Example of Domain-Wide authentication and Resource assessment
29.6 Assigning Permissions in a multi-domain environment
29.7 Active Directory Migration Tool
29.8 Deploying Child Domain
30. Managing ADDS Trusts
30.1 Types of Trust within a Forest (Intra-Forest)
30.2 Types of Inter-Forest Trust (Inter-Forest)
30.3 Creating Forest Trust
30.4 Updating UPN Suffixes for Forest Trust
30.5 Selective Authentication
31. On-Premise and Internet DNS
31.1 The Domain Name Space
31.2 Types of Windows DNS Zones
31.3 Active Directory Integrated Zone
31.4 Standard Primary Zone
31.5 Standard Secondary Zone
31.6 Three Methods to Implement a DNS Zone
31.7 Forward Lookup Zone and Host (A) Records
31.8 Reverse Lookup Zone and Pointer (PTR) Records
31.9 Forward Lookup Zone and Mail Exchanger (MX) Records
31.10 Name Server (NS) Record and the Name Servers Tab
31.11 More about Zone Transfer from Primary to Standard Secondary
AZ-801 Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services (24 hrs)
1. Advanced DNS Server configuration
1.1 DNS Sub-domains
1.2 Three Tiers of Caching
1.3 Forwarders
1.4 Root Zone, Root Hints
1.5 Dynamic Update
2. DNS Client side configuration
2.1 Configuring DNS client by NRPT policy
3. DNS Security Extensions
3.1 Overview of DNSSEC
3.2 Threats of DNS Protocol
3.3 Principal of DNS Security Extension
3.4 A DNSSEC Test Lab scenario
3.5 Configuring and testing DNSSEC
3.6 More about using DNSSEC for Public Internet Domains
4. Windows Server Compute and Virtualization services
4.1 Microsoft Hyper-V Server and Windows Server Hyper-V role
4.2 Hyper-V General Requirements
4.3 Installing Hyper-V Role Service on Windows Server 2022
4.4 Creating a Virtual Machine and Installing a Guest OS
4.5 Installing and Configuring Windows Hyper-V Server
4.6 Configuring Hyper-V Server to accept Remote Management
4.7 Managing Hyper-V Server from a remote location
5. Configure Hyper-V Settings and Virtual Networks
5.1 Configuring VHD Storage location
5.2 Upgrading Virtual Machine Configuration Version
5.3 Checkpoint (Snapshot) Location
5.4 Hot add and Hot removal of Virtual hardware
5.5 Nested Virtualization
5.6 Host Resource Protection
5.7 Windows PowerShell Direct
5.8 Configuring the Virtual Network
5.9 Guest Network Load Balancing
5.10 Single Root I/O Virtualization
6. Shared Nothing Live Migration
6.1 Concepts of Live Migration
6.2 Configuring Live Migration in a Shared Nothing/Non-Clustered environment
6.3 Performing Live Migration of virtual machine in a Shared Nothing environment
6.4 More about Processor Compatibility Mode
7. Hyper-V Replica Server
7.1 Introduction to Hyper-V Replica
7.2 Configuring Hyper-V Replica
7.3 Testing Failover
7.4 Performing a Planned Failover
7.5 Performing a Un-planned Failover
8. Generation 2 Virtual Machines
8.1 Generation 2 Virtual Machine in Hyper-V
8.2 Enhanced Session Mode
8.3 Virtual Disk Online Resizing
8.4 Resource Metering
8.5 Hyper-V Port Mirroring
8.6 Using ReFS version 2 with Hyper-V
9. Hyper-V Failover Clustering
9.1 Deploying a Hyper-V Failover Cluster
9.2 Cluster Shared Volume
9.3 Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV) Cache
9.4 Deploying a Highly Available Virtual Machine in Hyper-V Cluster
9.5 Testing a Planned Failover by Live Migration
9.6 Virtual Machine Drain on Shutdown
9.7 Live Migration Settings and RDMA
9.8 Virtual Machine Network Health Protection
9.9 Virtual Machine Monitoring
9.10 Hyper-V Replica Broker
9.11 Hyper-V Virtual Machine Load Balancing
9.12 Configuring RDMA Adapter and Converged Ethernet
9.13 Hyper-V Switch Embedded Teaming (SET)
10. Creating and Managing Azure Virtual Machines
10.1 Benefits and Challenges using N-Tier Architecture
10.2 N-Tier architecture with Azure Compute Virtual Machines
10.3 Enabling Auto-shutdown for VM
10.4 Configuring and Managing additional data disk for Azure Virtual Machines
10.5 Configure Azure Disk Encryption
10.6 Resizing Virtual Machines
10.7 Hot Patching
10.8 SMB over QUIC
10.9 SMB over QUIC with Automanage
11. Cross Premises and Hybrid Connectivity
11.1 Introduction to VNet Peering
11.2 Configuring Global VNet Peering
11.3 Options for connecting additional virtual networks
11.4 Point-to-Site VPN and Certification based authentication
11.5 Configuring Azure Site to Site (S2S) VPN
11.6 Azure Virtual Network Adapter
11.7 Microsoft Defender for Cloud
12. Microsoft Defender for Identity
12.1 Introduction to MDI/Azure ATP
12.2 Microsoft Defender for Identity architecture
12.3 Creating a Defender for Identity Instance
12.4 Connect to your On-Premises AD Forest
12.5 Downloading and Installing the Sensor setup package
12.6 Configure Data Steering in MDI Sensor
12.7 About Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA)
12.8 Security Posture Assessments with Microsoft Defender for Identity
13. Data Deduplication
13.1 Introduction to Data Deduplication in Windows Server 2022
13.2 Installing and Configuring Data Deduplication
13.3 Data Deduplication enhancements in Window Server
13.4 Additional Interoperability considerations of using Data Deduplication
14. On-Premises Performance Monitoring
14.1 Reliability Analysis Component (RAC)
14.2 Data Collector Set
14.3 Performance Counter Alert
14.4 Event Trace Sessions
15. Azure Recovery Services Vault
15.1 Introduction to Recovery Services Vault
15.2 Creating a Recovery Services Vault
15.3 Back up Windows to Azure
15.4 Back up an Azure Virtual Machine
15.5 Upgrading Azure VM Backup stack V2 (Optional knowledge)
15.6 More about Site-to-Site recovery by using Azure Site Recovery
16. Azure Migrate Appliance
16.1 Introduction to Azure Migrate
16.2 Creating a Migration Project
16.3 Deploying Azure Migrate appliance with VHD template for Hyper-V
16.4 Assess Hyper-V VMs for migration to Azure
16.5 Migrate Hyper-V VMs to Azure
16.6 Running a Test Migration
16.7 Migrating to Azure Virtual Machines
16.8 Completing the migration
16.9 Post-migration best practices
17. Protecting and Securing Windows Credentials
17.1 Attacks to Windows Credential Store
17.2 Requirements of Credential Guard
17.3 Configuring Credential Guard
17.4 Preventing NTLM authentication protocol
18. Just Enough Administration (JEA)
18.1 Overview of Just Enough Administration
18.2 Creating a JEA Role Capability File
18.3 Convert Role Capability File as PowerShell Module
18.4 Creating a JEA Session Configuration File
18.5 Creating a JEA Endpoint
18.6 Connecting to JEA Endpoint
19. Azure ARC
19.1 Introduction to Hybrid Infrastructure Management with Azure ARC
19.2 Azure ARC Enabled Servers
19.3 Onboarding Azure ARC Enabled Servers
19.4 Onboarding ARC Enabled Servers at Scale
19.5 Onboarding ARC Enabled Servers to Microsoft Sentinel
19.6 Detect threats using Microsoft Sentinel
19.7 Moreover Automated Response to Threats