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虛擬技術 (Virtualization) 是一種電腦資源管理技術。它能將一台電腦上的各種實體資源 (CPU、記憶體、硬碟空間 等等),予以分割再組合為多個虛擬電腦環境。用戶可以在每個虛擬電腦環境上安裝不同的作業系統或服務軟件,從而使電腦資源得到更有效的運用。
叢集技術 (Clustering) 則是通過整合多台電腦共同作業去完成工作。其中一種叢集應用是通過多台電腦去分擔相同的服務供應 (例如 web service)。 除了分擔負荷外,另一種叢集應用則是增加可靠性 (high availability):當一台提供服務的電腦出現故障時,另一台電腦可以自動補上去繼續提供該項服務。
LPI 全名是 Linux Professional Institute,是一個來自加拿大的非牟利 Linux 專業團體。由於 LPI 的考試費用較為合理,考試制度及內容亦較齊全,所以 LPI 的考試制度會比其他 Linux 考試制度更適合香港的實際環境,而我們亦預計會有越來越多人選擇考 LPI 的考試。LPI 考試不指定某一發行版本 (Distributions),但因實習之需要,本課程將以現時最流行的 Fedora 作示範例子。
Linux LPI Level 3 Virtualization & High Availability 國際認可證書課程主要是教授以上虛擬及叢集技術在 Linux 上的應用知識,以及教授實現以上技術的不同新舊開源免費軟件。
本課程除了包括認證要求的內容外,也會在每項技術上選取一些比較新及常用的開源免費軟件作為實習,從而加深學員對不同技術的了解及基本設置的方法。修畢本課程後,學員可考取 LPI Level 3 Virtualization & High Availability 國際認可證書。
課程名稱: |
Linux LPI Level 3 Virtualization & High Availability 國際認可證書課程 - 簡稱:LPI Level 3 Training Course (Virtualization & HA) |
課程時數: | 合共 30 小時 |
適合人士: | 已考取 LPI Level 2 證書的人士,或已修畢本中心所開辦的「Linux LPI Level 2 國際認可證書課程」。 |
授課語言: | 以廣東話為主,輔以英語 |
課程筆記: | 本中心導師親自編寫英文為主筆記,而部份英文字附有中文對照。 |
只要你擁有有效的 LPIC-2 證書及於下列科目取得合格成績,便可獲 LPI 頒發 LPIC-3 Virtualization & High Availability 證書:
本中心為 LPI 指定的考試試場。報考時請致電本中心,登記欲報考之科目、考試日期及時間 (最快可即日報考)。考試費為 HK$1,542。臨考試前考生須出示身份證及繳付考試費。 考試題目由澳洲考試中心傳送到你要應考的電腦,考試時以電腦作答。所有考試題目均為英文,考試題目為單項選擇題或多項選擇題。作答完成後會立即出現成績報告,結果即考即知!考試不合格便可重新報考,不限次數。欲知道作答時間、題目總數、合格分數等詳細考試資料,可瀏覽本中心網頁 "各科考試分數資料"。 |
課程名稱:Linux LPI Level 3 Virtualization & High Availability 國際認可證書課程 - 簡稱:LPI Level 3 Training Course (Virtualization & HA) |
1. Virtualization Concepts and Theory
1.1 Overview
1.2 Emulation of Hardware Components
1.2.1 CPU
1.2.2 Memory
1.2.3 Disk Storage
1.2.4 Network Interface Card (NIC)
1.3 Types of Hpervisors / Virtual Machine Monitors
1.4 Simulation, Emulation and Virtualization
1.4.1 Simulation
1.4.2 Emulation
1.4.3 Virtualization
1.5 Virtualization Types
1.5.1 Full Virtualization with Binary Translation
1.5.2 Paravirtualization (PV)
1.5.3 Hardware-Assisted Virtualization
1.6 Ways in Creating Virtual Machines
1.6.1 Standard Installation
1.6.2 Physical to Virtual Machine (P2V)
1.7 Migrating Virtual Machine Between Hosts (V2V)
1.8 Virtualization in Cloud Platform
1.8.1 Cloud Overview
1.8.2 Cloud Sevice Models
1.8.3 Benefits of using Virtualization in Cloud Platform
2. Xen
2.1 Overview
2.2 Installing Xen and Dom0 Kernel
2.3 Creating a DomU HVM Guest
2.4 Examining and Working with the HVM Guest
2.4.1 Checking Guest Information with xl comamnd
2.4.2 Device Drivers in Guest
2.4.3 Guest’s Kernel Messages During Boot
2.4.4 Accessing the Guest’s GUI/CLI
2.4.5 Shutting Down the Guest
2.4.6 Saving / Restoring State of Guest
2.4.7 Taking / Restoring Snapshot
2.4.8 Managing Disk Storage (for HVM guest only)
2.4.9 About Networking for Guests
2.5 Creating a DomU PV Guest
2.5.1 Guest Boot Process
2.6 Creating a PV guest
2.7 Examining the PV guest
2.7.1 Verifying if a guest is running PV mode
2.7.2 Device Drivers in a PV Guest
2.7.3 Kernel Boot Messages in a PV Guest
2.8 Auto Starting / Saving / Restoring Guests
2.9 Auto Starting / Saving / Restoring Guests
3. KVM
3.1 Overview
3.2 Installing KVM
3.3 Using QEMU Monitor (KVM Monitor)
3.3.1 Accessing the Monitor
3.3.2 Managing Block Devices
3.3.3 Sending Key to Guest
3.3.4 Shutting Down / Reboot a Guest
3.4 QEMU Networking
3.4.1 User Networking
3.4.2 Bridging to External Network
3.4.3 Other Networking Types
3.5 Disk Image Format
3.5.1 Disk Image Format
3.5.2 Disk Image Conversion
3.6 Snapshots
3.6.1 Temporary Snapshot
3.6.2 External Snapshots
3.6.3 Internal Snapshots
3.6.4 Saving / Restoring VM State
3.7 Virtio Drivers for KVM
3.7.1 Example of Guest NOT using Virtio Drivers
3.7.2 Example of Guest using Virtio Drivers
4. Libvirt
4.1 Overview
4.2 Installing Libvirt
4.3 Using virt-install
4.4 Importing Guest and Examples of Using Libguestfs Tools
4.5 Cloning Guest and Editing XML Configuration File
4.6 Managing Block device
4.6.1 Managing CDROM media
4.6.2 Attaching and Detaching Block Devices
4.7 Configuring Network Setup
4.8 Managing Snapshot
4.8.1 Creating Snapshot
4.8.2 Reverting Snapshot
4.8.3 Deleting Snapshot
4.8.4 Illustrations for Live Snapshot (Running Snapshot)
4.9 Auto-Starting Guest
4.10 Using Libvirt in Xen
4.10.1 Installing Libvrit Daemon for Xen
4.10.2 Installing a HVM guest using virt-install
4.10.3 Converting Xen DomU configuration into Libvirt’s XML file
5. Other Virtualization Software / Management Tools
5.1 VirtualBox
5.2 Container
5.2.1 Container Overview
5.2.2 System Containers
5.2.3 Application Containers
5.3 Virtualization / Cloud Management Tools
5.3.1 Virtualization Tools
5.3.2 Cloud Management Tools
6. High Availability Concepts and Theory
6.1 Cluster Architectures
6.1.1 Computer Cluster Overview
6.2 Failover Cluster Mechanisms
6.2.1 Quorum
6.2.2 Quorum with Witness
6.2.3 Fencing
6.2.4 Stonith Device
6.3 High Availability Accessment
6.4 Cluster Recovery
7. Load Balancing Cluster
7.1 Basic Linux Virtual Server (LVS) Setup
7.1.1 LVS Overview
7.1.2 Configuring LVS (Direct Routing)
7.1.3 Configuring LVS (NAT)
7.2 Keepalived
7.3 HAProxy
7.3.1 Overview
7.3.2 Basic Configuration
7.3.3 Monitoring Health
7.3.4 Backup Server
7.3.5 Persistent Connection
7.3.6 HTTPS
7.3.7 Access Logging
7.3.8 Using HAProxy with Keepalived
7.4 Other Load Balancing Software
7.4.1 ldirectord and heartbeat
7.4.2 pulse and nanny
8. Failover Cluster
8.1 Pacemaker and CoroSync Overiew
8.2 Basic Cluster Nodes Setup
8.2.1 Basic Installation and Cluster Setup
8.2.2 Additional Setup for our Simple Two-Nodes Cluster
8.3 Setting up a Simple Active / Passive Cluster
8.3.1 About Resources
8.3.2 Configuring Resources and Moving them among Nodes
8.4 Setting up a Simple Active / Active Cluster
8.4.1 Techniques for Modifying, Tuning and Simulating
8.5 About High-Availability Add-on / Extension
8.5.1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availabitliy Add-On
8.5.2 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availabitliy Extension
9. Storage Cluster
9.1 Storage Overview
9.2 Storage For Failover Cluster
9.3 DRBD
9.3.1 Introduction
9.3.2 Installing and Configuring DRBD
9.3.3 Using DRBD in Pacemaker
9.4 Using SAN
9.4.1 Confiuring a simple SAN using iSCSI
9.4.2 File Locking Problem
9.4.3 File Caching Problem
9.4.4 LVM Problem
9.4.5 Implications About the Problems Found
9.5 Software for Fixing the Problems
9.5.1 Cluster File Systems
9.5.2 Lock Manager
9.5.3 cLVM2
9.6 Configuring Shared Storage in Cluster
9.7 More about STONOTH
9.7.1 Testing fence_scsci
9.7.2 Using fence_apc:
9.8 Load Balancing Feature of IPaddr2 (參考章節)