CCNP Voice 國際認可證書課程


Cisco 已停止提供本課程的相關考試;本中心已停止提供本課程的相關實習給學員親自進行。

雖然學員已不能應考本課程的相關考試及親自進行實習,但學員仍能透過本課程所學的知識及實習 (由導師進行),廣泛地應用於工作上。

而本中心更為本課程提供六折的特別優惠,原價 HK$14,980,現只須 HK$8,988 便可!

本中心現已支援 轉數快 付款。

(在家觀看 = 0%,在校觀看 = 100%)

100% 在校觀看日期及時間:

不限$8,988 (地點沒有限制)報名
旺角95折 $8,539 報名 phone
觀塘9折 $8,089 報名 phone
北角9折 $8,089 報名 phone
沙田85折 $7,640 報名 phone
屯門85折 $7,640 報名 phone

課時: 120 小時
(90 小時課堂 + 30 小時於家中透過上網來控制本中心的器材及軟件,並依照筆記來進行實習)

享用時期: 30 星期。進度由您控制,可快可慢。

在校免費試睇:首 3 小時,請致電以上地點與本中心職員預約。
半費重考。開始觀看最後 1 堂之 1 個月內為保障期限。請務必向本中心購買考試券。

(在家觀看 = 100%,在校觀看 = 0%)

100% 在家觀看日期及時間:
每天 24 小時全天候不限次數地觀看

學費:$8,988 報名 phone

課時: 120 小時
(90 小時課堂 + 30 小時於家中透過上網來控制本中心的器材及軟件,並依照筆記來進行實習)

享用時期: 30 星期。進度由您控制,可快可慢。

在校免費試睇:首 3 小時,請致電以上地點與本中心職員預約。
半費重考。開始觀看最後 1 堂之 1 個月內為保障期限。請務必向本中心購買考試券。

Cisco Systems Inc. 是全球最大的網路設備生產商,在世界各地設有 120 個以上的分支據點。Cisco 的產品包括 Switch (交換器)、LAN Router (區域網路由器)、WAN Router (廣域網路由器) 、IOS (Internetwork Operating System) 網路管理操作系統、網路語音及視像系統 … 等等。全球的大企業、銀行、大學和政府機構之網路設備,無一不採用 Cisco 的產品,因此,管理 Cisco 設備便成為一門專業的學問。

為了能證明你有專業水準來規劃、設定及管理 Cisco 的網路語音產品,Cisco 便推出 CCNP Voice (Cisco Certified Network Professional - Voice,Cisco 認可網路專業人士 - 網路語音) 國際認可考試。

要考取 CCNP Voice 國際認可證書,可以通過以下 5 科的考試:

  • Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Voice over IP and QoS v8.0 (CVOICE v8.0)
  • Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 1 v8.0 (CIPT1 v8.0)
  • Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 2 v8.0 (CIPT2 v8.0)
  • Integrating Cisco Unified Communications Applications v8.0 (CAPPS v8.0)
  • Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications v8.0 (TVOICE v8.0)

本中心的 Cisco 課程均由 Vincent Ho 、Franco Tsang 及 Norman Lau 等多位 CCIE 籌備多時,精心編排。由上堂、溫習、實習、考試研習、做試題至最後考試,均為你度身訂造,作出有系統的編排。務求真正教識你,又令你考試及格。

課程名稱: CCNP Voice 國際認可證書課程
- 簡稱:CCNP Voice Training Course
課程時數: 合共 120 小時
課堂 90 小時 (共 30 堂) 及實習時段 30 小時 (共 10 節)
適合人士: 具備 CCNA Voice 知識的人士
授課語言: 以廣東話為主,輔以英語
課程筆記: 本中心導師親自編寫英文為主筆記,而部份英文字附有中文對照。

1. Norman Lau (CCIE #10912) 親自教授: Norman 善於控制學習節奏,深入淺出,令學員在輕鬆氣氛下,掌握網路語音技巧。
2. Norman Lau 親自編寫筆記: Norman 親自編寫筆記,絕對適合考試及實際管理網路之用,令你無須「死鋤」如字典般厚及不適合香港讀書格調的書本。
3. 提供模擬考試題目: 本中心為學員提供模擬考試題目以熟習考試答題環境及技巧,每條考試題目均附有標準答案。
4. 理論與實習並重:

本中心的 CCNP Voice 國際認可證書課程為全港時數最長,合共 120 小時,令學員真正了解及掌握課程內容。


其中 90 小時課堂由導師教授理論及進行眾多的商業實習。


另加 30 小時實習時段,由學員於家中透過上網來控制本中心的 Cisco 語音器材 和 Test PC,來親自實踐眾多的商業實習。


而整套器材會於 30 小時實習時段內由你一個人完全操控,無須與其他學員共用。如有須要,學員更可申請額外的實習時段,費用全免。


請謹記: 充足的理論及實習時間是成功的重要因素!

5. 考試合格保障: 以其中一個科目 CVOICE v8.0 為例,本中心 CCNP Voice 學員於第一次考 CVOICE v8.0 若不合格,可申請半費重考 CVOICE v8.0 一次,但必須符合下列的四項要求:
1. 於 CVOICE v8.0 之課堂出席率須達 85% 或以上。
2. 學員必須於本中心應考 CVOICE v8.0 考試。
3. 學員於第一次應考 CVOICE v8.0 考試前,必須進行本中心的 CVOICE v8.0 試前測驗,並取得 90% 或以上的分數。
4. 於上課結束日之 1 個月內作出申請。
而其他四科考試 CIPT1 v8.0、CIPT2 v8.0、CAPPS v8.0及 TVOICE v8.0 均如 CVOICE v8.0 般的安排。
6. 免費重讀: 傳統課堂學員可於課程結束後三個月內免費重看課堂錄影。

CCNP Voice (Cisco Certified Network Professional - Voice,Cisco 認可網路專業人士 - 網路語音) 其實是由 Cisco 頒發的國際認可證書。考生必須首先考取到 Cisco 的初級證書 CCNA Voice,才可考取 CCNP Voice !

考試編號 科目名稱 簡稱 考試費
642-437 Implementing Cisco Voice Communications and QoS v8.0 CVOICE v8.0 HK$2,348
(需另加 2.5% 行政費)
642-447 Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 1 v8.0 CIPT1 v8.0 HK$2,348
(需另加 2.5% 行政費)
642-457 Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 2 v8.0 CIPT2 v8.0 HK$2,348
(需另加 2.5% 行政費)
642-467 Integrating Cisco Unified Communications Applications v8.0 CAPPS v8.0 HK$2,348
(需另加 2.5% 行政費)
642-427 Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications v8.0 TVOICE v8.0 HK$2,348
(需另加 2.5% 行政費)

本中心為 Cisco 指定的 CCNP Voice 考試試場,報考時請致電本中心,登記欲報考之科目考試編號、考試日期及時間 (最快可即日報考)。

臨考試前要繳付考試費 (見上表),及必須出示下列兩項有效之身份證明文件,否則考生不可進行考試,而已繳付之考試費亦不會退回:
1. 香港身份證 及
2. 附有考生姓名及簽名的證件 (如信用咭、香港特區護照、BNO等)

考試題目由澳洲考試中心傳送到你要應考的電腦,考試時以電腦作答。所有考試題目均為英文,而大多數的考試題目為單項選擇題 (意即 O) 或多項選擇題 (意即 口),其餘則為配對題及實戰題。作答完成後會立即出現你的分數,結果即考即知!考試不合格便可重新報考,不限次數。欲知道作答時間、題目總數、合格分數等詳細考試資料,可瀏覽本中心網頁 "各科考試分數資料"。

為進一步加強本中心 Cisco 的課程質素,本中心投放大量資源購買 Cisco 器材,以供學員進行實習。以下是本中心擁有的 Cisco 器材 (種類繁多,未能盡錄):

CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training
Cisco Router 800 Series (ISR)
Cisco Router 2500 Series

CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training
Cisco Router 2600 Series Cisco Router 2800 Series (ISR)
CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training
Cisco Router 2900 Series (ISR) Cisco Router 3600 Series
CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training 
Cisco Router 3800 Series (ISR)  Cisco Router 4000 Series
CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training
 Cisco Catalyst Switch 1900 Series Cisco Catalyst Switch 2950 Series
CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training
Cisco Catalyst Multilayer Switch 3550 Series Cisco Catalyst Multilayer Switch 3560 Series
CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training

Cisco Catalyst Multilayer Switch 3560X Series

Cisco Catalyst Multilayer Switch 3750G Series
CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training
Cisco Catalyst Multilayer Switch 3750X Series Cisco Catalyst Multilayer Switch 5000 Series
CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training
Cisco PIX Firewall Cisco LightStream 1010 ATM Switch
CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training
Cisco ATM Module Cisco FXS Voice Module 
CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training
Cisco IP Phone 7911G Cisco Wireless LAN Controller 2106 
CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training
Cisco Aironet Lightweight Access Point 1130AG PSTN Simulator
CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training
ISDN Simulator Cisco ASA 5505
CCVP Course Training CCVP Course Training
Cisco ASA 5510 Cisco ASA 5512X
CCVP Course Training  
Cisco IPS 4210  

課程名稱:CCNP Voice 國際認可證書課程
- 簡稱:CCNP Voice Training Course

Implementing Cisco Voice Communications and QoS v8.0 (CVOICE v8.0)

Describe a dial plan

  • Describe a numbering plan
  • Describe digit manipulation
  • Describe path selection
  • Describe calling privileges

Describe the basic operation and components involved in a VoIP call

  • Describe VoIP call flows
  • Describe RTP, RTCP, cRTP, and sRTP
  • Describe H.323
  • Describe MGCP
  • Describe Skinny Call Control Protocol
  • Describe SIP
  • Identify the appropriate gateway signaling protocol for a given scenario
  • Choose the appropriate codec for a given scenario
  • Describe and Configure VLANs

Implement Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express to support endpoints using CLI

  • Describe the appropriate software components needed to support endpoints
  • Configure DHCP, NTP and TFTP
  • Describe the differences between the different types of ephones and ephone-dns
  • Configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express endpoints

Describe the components of a gateway

  • Describe the function of gateways
  • Describe DSP functionality
  • Describe the different types of voice ports and their usage
  • Describe dial peers and the gateway call routing process
  • Describe codecs and codec complexity

Implement a gateway

  • Configure analog voice ports
  • Configure digital voice ports
  • Configure dial-peers
  • Configure digit manipulation
  • Configure calling privileges
  • Verify dial-plan implementation
  • Implement fax support on a gateway

Implement Cisco Unified Border Element

  • Describe the Cisco Unified Border Element features and functionality
  • Configure Cisco Unified Border Element to provide address hiding
  • Configure Cisco Unified Border Element to provide protocol and media interworking
  • Configure Cisco Unified Border Element to provide call admission control
  • Verify Cisco Unified Border Element configuration and operation

Describe the need to implement QoS for voice and video

  • Describe causes of voice and video quality issues
  • Describe how to resolve voice and video quality issues
  • Describe QoS requirements for voice and video traffic

Describe and configure the DiffServ QoS model

  • Describe the DiffServ QoS model
  • Describe marking based on CoS, DSCP, and IP Precedence
  • Configure layer 2 to layer 3 QoS mapping
  • Describe trust boundaries
  • Configure trust boundary on Cisco switches
  • Describe the operations of the QoS classifications and marking mechanisms
  • Describe Low Latency Queuing
  • Describe the operations of the QoS WAN Link Efficiency mechanisms
  • Enable QoS mechanisms on switches using AutoQoS
  • Configure Low Latency Queuing

Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 1 v8.0 (CIPT1 v8.0)

Perform initial set up of a Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster

  • Describe Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster architecture
  • Describe Cisco Unified Communications Manager redundancy designs
  • Describe the requirements for Cisco Unified Communications Manager use of DHCP, TFTP, DNS, and NTP
  • Determine the services necessary to support a Cisco Unified Communications Manager deployment and activate the appropriate services

Describe and configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager to support on-cluster calling

  • Configure a Cisco Unified Communications Manager group
  • Configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager profiles and device pools
  • Configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager templates
  • Manage phones and users using Cisco Unified Communications Manager Bulk Administration Tool
  • Describe the tool for Auto-Registered Phones Support functionality

Describe and configure a route plan for Cisco Unified Communications Manager to support off-net calling

  • Describe Cisco Unified Communications Manager digit analysis
  • Implement gateways
  • Configure route patterns
  • Configure route lists and route groups
  • Implement toll-fraud prevention
  • Configure digit manipulation
  • Describe the functions and usage of calling search spaces and partitions
  • Implement calling privileges

Describe and configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager media resources

  • Describe media resources
  • Configure MeetMe conferencing and software conferencing resources
  • Configure Music on Hold
  • Configure Media Resource Groups and Media Resource Group Lists

Describe and configure the Cisco Unified Communications Manager to support features and applications

  • Configure IP phone services
  • Configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager native presence features
  • Configure Cisco Unified Mobility

Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 2 v8.0 (CIPT2 v8.0)

Describe and implement centralized call processing redundancy

  • Describe device fail over
  • Configure call survivability
  • Configure Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony operation
  • Configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express to provide redundancy
  • Configure MGCP Fallback operation
  • Verify redundancy operations

Describe and configure a multi-site dial plan for Cisco Unified Communication Manager

  • Describe the issues with multi-site dial plans
  • Describe the differences between the various gateways and trunk types supported by Cisco Unified Communication Manager
  • Implement trunks
  • Describe globalized call routing
  • Implement a numbering plan for multi-site topologies
  • Configure tailend hop off

Implement call control discovery and Cisco Inter Company Media Exchange

  • Configure Service Advertisement Framework Forwarder
  • Configure Service Advertisement Framework Client Control
  • Configure Service Advertisement Framework Call Control Discovery

Implement bandwidth management and Call Admission Control

  • Configure regions
  • Implement transcoders and MTPs
  • Configure locations
  • Implement RSVP agents
  • Implement SIP precondition
  • Describe functionality of a gatekeeper
  • Implement gatekeeper-based Call Admission Control
  • Configure Automated Alternate Routing
  • Configure multi-site Music on Hold

Implement mobility features

  • Configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager Device Mobility
  • Configure Cisco Extension Mobility

Integrating Cisco Unified Communications Applications v8.0 (CAPPS v8.0)

Configure Cisco Unity Connection

  • Choose the appropriate desktop messaging interface for client machines
  • Integrate Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco Unified Communications Manager
  • Configure Cisco Unity Connection system settings
  • Describe call management options
  • Configure call routing options
  • Configure audiotext applications
  • Configure Cisco Unity Connection partitions and search spaces
  • Configure account policies, subscriber classes of service, and subscriber templates
  • Import user accounts into Cisco Unity Connection
  • Troubleshoot Cisco Unity Connection

Configure Cisco Unity Express using the GUI

  • Choose the appropriate desktop messaging interface for endpoints
  • Integrate Cisco Unity Express and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
  • Configure Cisco Unity Express system settings
  • Configure call routing options
  • Configure auto-attendant
  • Configure account policies, subscriber classes of service, and subscriber templates
  • Import user accounts into Cisco Unity Express from Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
  • Troubleshoot Cisco Unity Express

Configure VPIM to network Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco Unity Express

  • Describe VPIM
  • Configure VPIM on Cisco Unity Connection
  • Configure VPIM on Cisco Unity Express

Implement Cisco Unified Presence Solution

  • Describe the function and operation of Cisco Unified Presence
  • Describe Cisco Unified Presence solution components
  • Describe the Cisco Unified Presence solution communication flows
  • Configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager for integration with Cisco Unified Presence
  • Integrate Cisco Unified Presence with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
  • Integrate Cisco Unified Presence with Cisco Unified Communications applications
  • Troubleshoot Cisco Unified Presence

Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications v8.0 (TVOICE v8.0)

Apply the Cisco recommended methodology used to determine general Unified communications system problems and issues

  • Describe the steps that can be used to identify a problem with a given unified communication system
  • Identify tools available for troubleshooting
  • Identify tools available for monitoring

Identify available tools to operate and troubleshoot a Unified Communications System

  • Describe troubleshooting and monitoring tools
  • Determine appropriate tools to use for troubleshooting and monitoring system
  • Correlate events based on traces, logs, debugs and output of monitoring tools
  • Parse and interpret traces, logs, debugs and output of monitoring tools

Troubleshoot registration issues

  • Troubleshoot issues with endpoint registration
  • Troubleshoot issues with gateway registration

Troubleshoot call setup issues

  • Troubleshoot intersite call setup issues
  • Troubleshoot intrasite call setup issues
  • Troubleshoot off-net call setup issues

Troubleshoot database issues

  • Troubleshoot database replication issues in Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Troubleshoot call control discovery and Cisco Inter Company Media Exchange

  • Troubleshoot Service Advertisement Framework Forwarder issues
  • Troubleshoot Service Advertisement Framework Client Control issues
  • Troubleshoot Service Advertisement Framework Call Control Discovery issues

Troubleshoot application issues

  • Troubleshoot Cisco Extension Mobility issues
  • Troubleshoot Cisco Unified Communications Manager Device Mobility issues
  • Troubleshoot Cisco Unified Mobility issues

Troubleshoot media resources

  • Troubleshoot Music on Hold
  • Troubleshoot conference bridges
  • Troubleshoot transcoders
  • Troubleshoot MTP

Troubleshoot voice quality issues

  • Troubleshoot echo
  • Troubleshoot dropped calls
  • Troubleshoot audio quality issues

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