課程名稱:進階 Word 2013 文書處理課程 - 簡稱:Word Training Course (2013 Advanced) |
詳細教授內容 :
1. Mail Merge (合併列印)
Basic Concept of Mail Merge
Basic Process of Mail Merge
Create Main Document and Data Source
View the Result of Mail Merge
Merge to New Document
Mailing Labels (郵件標籤)
2. Footnotes (註腳) and Endnotes (章節附註)
Insert Footnote
Move (搬移) Footnote
Convert Footnote (轉換註腳)
3. Bookmark (書籤), Cross-reference (交互參照)
and Table of Contents (目錄)
4. Comment (註解) and Protect Documents
5. Create Multiple (多個) Document Versions
6. Track Changes (追蹤修訂)
“Track Changes” On/Off (啟動/關閉追蹤修訂)
Types of Applying “Track Changes”
Accept or Reject Changes (接受或拒絕修訂)
Compare and Merge Documents (比較與合併文件)
7. Insert Excel Worksheet (工作表)
Import (匯入)Worksheet
Embed (內嵌) Worksheet
Linked (連結) Worksheet
8. Chart (圖表)
Create Chart by Importing Data
Change Chart Type
Modify Chart
9. Borders and Shading (框線及網底)
Create Page Borders
Create Text/Paragraph Borders and Shading
10. Picture (圖片)
Insert Picture
Position Picture (移動圖片)
Editing Picture (編輯圖片)
Picture Background Remove (退地)
Screen Capturing. (畫面擷取)
Smart Art (圖形圖片配置)
11. Sorting (排序)
Paragraphs and Lists
12. Advanced Formatting
Widow/Orphan control (段落遺留字串控制)
Keep lines together (段落中不分頁)
Keep with next (與下段同頁)
Page break before (段落前分頁)
Suppress line numbers (本段落不編行號)
Don’t hyphenate (不要斷字)
Non-breaking spaces
OpenType Font
13. Macro (巨集)
Record (錄製) Macro
Run (執行) Macro
Delete (刪除) Macro
14. Forms (表單)
Create and Edit Forms
15. Workgroup Templates (工作群組範本)